Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Quiet Sunday Morning

Hey, Y'all,
Another Sunday morning....quiet with the only noise a television set playing, and work waiting for me in the kitchen. Gramps actually got up this morning at about 9:30, surprise, surprise!

We went to bed early last night, about 8:30, and I thought the night would never end, but it did finally, at 7 a.m. for me. I had time to clean the kitchen before I had my breakfast. I have plans to make peach fried pies, and apple fried pies for dessert tomorrow evening. Our new neighbors are coming for supper and will be staying a while to visit.

I called Hugh this morning and he said he had a fairly good night, followed by another imitation breakfast (powdered eggs, oatmeal, orange juice, and coffee). Not a lot to hoot about, but passable. He said he doesn't really expect a doctor in today.

Well, not much else going on around here. I may not get into Knoxville tomorrow if the weather continues to be a problem. There are reports of wrecks in the east TN area (not in Knoxville) and promises of snow showers.

More later. Love to you all. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Bye for now. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.

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