Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday's Medical Update & other stuff

Hey, Y'all,
Not a great deal of time this afternoon. I have been preparing the house for visitors for supper (our neighbors, a family of five) and have been getting supper on the stove. I also have to put the extra leaf in our table, I usually keep it just large enough for 4 chairs.

I got the kitchen floor swept (a lot of cheerios where they escape from Gramps' spoon when he eats breakfast). Potato soup is on cooking, pork tenderloin is in the crockpot, already have made a dozen deviled eggs this morning and they are waiting in the fridge to be served. Baked (fried type pies) are in their container, ice cream is in the freeezer (no sugar added icecream). I reckon supper is all taken care of except for the cornbread muffins to be made just before 5 p.m.

I am hoping the kids will like to play dominos with me. I know Gramps probably will opt out (he ususally does).

When talking to Imazo this morning around noon, she told me that they had come in to remove the white stockings from Hugh, because they were too tight. They are going to be putting some of those pneumatic stockings on him that contract and expand. She also said that some of the swelling is going down but not a lot yet. They are going to begin giving him physical therapy of some kind, to kind of move him a little and get the blood flowing better through his body.

His blood pressure was good saturday when I was there, also his oxygen level measured good, but they put him on oxygen anyway, because of his difficulty in breathing. I think they did that on Saturday evening Imazo told me that they are still checking out several things concerning his health, but didn't actually tell me what. Perhaps she didn't know what all they were talking about, or she couldn't remember everything. Either is quite possible.

I will tell you more as I find it out. Hugh's color is not good, and I am thinking they may want to put him in rehab, and I am sure he won't be too enthusiastic about that.
Well, I need to go now and take my shower and get ready for our company. My back is just about to kill me, but that is nothing new. It would be that way regardless of what I do around here. Just one of those things I live with. Gramps did help me collect the trash today from the wastebaskets. I was thankful for any help I could get.

More tomorrow, (or tonight if I hear any more from Knoxville). We now have the extra leaf in the table, and I am off to take my shower, ( I know you wanted to hear that, ha.)

This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Thank you for all the prayers on our behalf. God bless each of you (He does that always, doesn't He?) Bye for now.

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