Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Best of Intentions

Hey, Y'all,
As you may remember from yesterday's posting, I intended to mop my kitchen floor last night...well, I started mopping it about 7:00 p.m., after carrying the kitchen chairs into the living room (to clear the space for easier cleaning). It takes a little longer to clear out the kitchen but it really speeds up the mopping action.

I recently purchased a "Wet Swiffer" for mopping, thinking it would be easier to use than the squeegee type that has to be dipped into the bucket of mop water to rinse every little bit. No more mop bucket, no more sqeezing out the water. SO, I always put my mop outside, since there is no place inside to store it.

The wet swiffer is quite ingeneously made. It has a dispensable pad that is thrown away after use. There is also a place to attach a bottle of liquid which is dispensed a squirt at a time by pressing on a switch (battery operated) on the upper handle. I had put the mop outside after the first use, but had not removed the bottle of cleaning liquid.

Lo, and behold, the liquid had almost all drained out of the bottle, and so when I began using it, it didn't take long for me to realize it did not contain enough to finish my floor. I used all of the liquid and of course, stopped my cleaning. By that time it was too dark to go for more since I don't drive at night very much.

This morning, I got up and drove into Jefferson City at 7:30 and got the refill bottle and brought it back and finished my kitchen cleaning. Then I removed it and placed it on the kitchen counter until later. I got Gramps up and we got his shower taken and had breakfast. I then had time to mop the bathroom and no sooner had that done, and the kitchen dishes done, when his Occupational Therapist, Sarah, came and worked on therapy with his neck, while I took my shower.

As soon as she left, it was time for his Speech therapist, Carol, to be here. She spent an hour with us, and while she was here, I did the kitchen clorox thing. (Cleaning the kitchen counters with clorox disposable wipes).

When Carol left, we had lunch (leftover homemade vegetable beef soup) and Gramps was free to go into the living room and watch television, while I came back into my workroom and catch up on my e-mail and blog reading. Then I had to take my computer nap (yeah, I admit it, I sat here and went to sleep).

I did get some sewing in from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. on the quilt I am making for grandson, Matt. Time then to make supper. We both absolutely love chicken livers, so I fixed some of them (fried) and made country gravy and biscuits to go with them. Yeah, I know that is not what one would consider a balanced meal, but once in awhile it doesn't hurt to eat an unbalanced meal, especially if that is what you crave. Back to salad and sandwich or something like that tomorrow.

Well, it is time for prime time television, so I guess I will sign off for now, and catch you tomorrow. I don't have any updates on either of my brothers, but when I hear something I will let you know. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Peace to all of you, my friends. Bye for now.

1 comment:

Judy said...

I love chicken livers and gravy but have not made it for ages. I think next time I go to the grocery, I will get the fixings for it!