Wednesday, April 23, 2014

"The Tinder Box"

                   A Tinder Box

 "Once upon a time,"
So each story begins 
Of when the world was 
Filled with magic sublime.

Anything could happen 
In that wondrous day,
Hans Christian Andersen 
Wrote many a fable

And we have them still
To read and share.
Have you ever read
"The Tinder Box" ?

I did, so many years ago,
And it catches the imagination
Of children every where
To dream of such things

That never exist except
In Fairy Tales,
And, Oh, how it captured
Mine in days of yore  

I've ne'er forgotten,
Such magic and tales,
Which I'd gladly share 
With you, with your kind attention.

It can be found at your
Local library in his collection
Of Fairy Tales. Don't hesitate
To check it out and enjoy

The confection he created 
For every girl and boy
To feast upon and fire up
Their flames of imagination.



Anonymous said...

I haven't read the old fairy tales in so long...perhaps it's time to do so again.

Grammy said...

When I was thinking about "t", that one came back to my recollection.