Hey, Y'all,
Tomorrow (March 3rd) is our Allie's birthday...not saying which one...but we celebrated this evening with supper at Puleo's in Strawberry Plains. Judy picked up Gramps and me a little before six p.m. and proceeded on to pick up Gene and then we met Mark and Allie at Puleo's.
Those of you who are regular readers of my blog know that we consider Allie our third daughter and Mark as a son. They are very dear to us and are very considerate always of our needs. Judy and Gene are also very dear to us and we consider them very important to us. Both couples are friends that we feel blessed to have.
We had a really fun time, and had a marvelous waiter named Will. Gramps and I had a house salad and then shared a small pizza that had chicken, spinach, and cheese on a thin crust.
Gramps is having a very difficult time getting in and out of cars and also getting to a standing position after sitting for awhile. He seems to be getting more feeble as the days go by, but he says he had a really wonderful and fun time this evening. He had three people helping him get up from the table this evening, but it didn't seem to embarrass him as it would have done several months ago. It was very touching to my heart.
Pictures above: (1) Mark and Allie, (2) Gene and Judy, (3) Gramps and I
In the morning, I am getting up early to do the housecleaning that needs to be done. I didn't get it done earlier this week. Sweeping the kitchen and mopping the floor are two things that I can do easier early in the morning. I have been sewing quite a bit today, trying to get the piecing done for Will's quilt. I plan to launder the flowers tomorrow or Wednesday in preparation for sewing onto the blocks of cloth.
We are having Gene and Judy, Marion and Marjorie (Judy's sister, and Marion's daughter) who lives in Germany, over to share supper with us tomorrow evening. Marjorie will be headed back to her home on Friday afternoon. We will be playing dominoes for awhile after supper. I'll bet Marjorie will be hiding her tiles from my supposedly wandering eyes, too. ha ha. I am making Chicken Pot Pie and Apple Dumplings for our supper.
Time with family and friends is something that never grows old, isn't it? I would not exchange any of those times for anything in the world. I value them all as priceless.
Mark and Allie tell us that they plan to be in their new home in about six weeks' time. I hope to be able to help them somehow in their move. I know I can't do a lot, but I hope to maybe help them with their yard sale when they have it.
On Wednesday morning, I have to go have blood work done in preparation for my yearly checkup at my family doctor's office. Oh, boy! I always dread having blood work done, because they have to take the blood samples from the back of my hand. (small veins, hard to hit in my arm..this has been true for more than 50 years.)
Well, that is about it for this evening. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Love to all of you. Hope your night is good and that tomorrow is even better. Bye for now.
Chicken pot pie and apple dumplins. Yum, Yum. That sounds so good! I have small veins, too. They poke me to death when I have blood work done. I had them looking in my foot one time!
Here's another small veined person..LOL They have to poke and poke at me. I thought I would end up having a port for my IV treatments, but so far so good. I think it has a lot to do with the person trying to find the vein....some can and some can't! Grammy, there you go having another get together. I'm so glad you get to go out and have fun. It sounded wonderful. I know where Pablos is at Strawberry Plains.
Dub looks really really good in that picture. He has a genuine smile going on there. I'm glad he is getting out and having good times with everyone. Love you guys bunches!!
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