Thursday, November 11, 2010

Addendum to Today's Post

Hey, Y'all,
My apologies to my daughter, son-in-law, grandson...I really goofed, didn't I? Teresa, her husband, Tom; and her son, BJ are all military persons. Teresa and Tom, along with BJ's dad, Bill, served in the U.S. Air Force, and BJ is presently serving in the Air Force, carrying on the tradition. I really was living in the past (my long past) when I was writing today's post and thinking about my siblings. Of course, I did thank all those who have served in the military (all those men and women) and protected our country). Sorry, you all. Old minds can sometimes overlook very important stuff, can't they? Love to all of you, this Old Blabbin' Grammy. :)


Teresa said...

8-) I knew you'd remember everyone once you thought about it. But I understand the past thing. I missed that when I read it the first time. Love you bunches...

azdarlene said...

You are allowed a Senior Moment Ruby. We all have them once in a while even though we aren't seniors. Love you,


Having not yet read your first post
I will comment later.
