Saturday, April 4, 2009

Catch Up Saturday

Hey, Y'all,
I woke up this morning feeling pretty good and knew I needed to get a lot of things done. Actually, I had gone to bed around 9 p.m. last night, and believe me, I was ready to get up at 7:30 this morning.

I started the morning by taking my pre-breakfast reflux capsule and then started doing laundry. I had trash to gather and did some cleaning out of the fridge. After an hour, I sat down and had breakfast. Then I packaged up a book to return that I had ordered on approval. By 9 a.m., I had done two loads of laundry and dried one of them. At 9:30, I was out the door on my way to the New Market Post Office and then to Jefferson City.

Stopping then at the Second Source Thrift Store to drop some things off, and then on to the bank and then to fill up the gas tank. From there, I went on to Wal-mart where I bought some groceries and saw an old friend from school, named Peggy. We stood talking for awhile and kind of caught up on things and people in common. As I left, I thought how wonderful it is to come across good friends that we haven't seen in a while.

The scene at Walmart on a Saturday morning is always something to behold. This morning was no exception. There were children who were selling tickets to some benefit, and people stopping and talking to others. People were in all kinds of clothes, and just working like ants. laughing and talking, pushing buggies full of groceries and other items. The sun shone warm on us, and happiness seemed to be in the very air. It made one feel glad to be alive. Where some would find it harrying to be in such a mixture, it enervates me.

On the way home, I called my grandson, Daniel, and chatted with him. It was good to talk to him. We often get so busy with our daily lives, we forget to reach out to those in other places.

After I got home, I carried in my groceries and other purchases, and called out to Gramps who was still in bed. I urged him to get up, but he wasn't quite ready to do so. I got the trash into the car and carried it off to the local dumpsters and when I got back, our mowers were here to mow the yard.

After I came back in, I continued on with the laundry and fixed myself a sandwich for lunch and then had some strawberries and a couple of Little Debbie cakes. Pretty soon, Gramps decided to get up, and had his breakfast and coffee.

By midafternoon, I had finished the laundry and had two laundry baskets overflowing with dry laundry to fold and put away. We watched television and I folded laundry and put it away. We had supper around 6 p.m. and then I cleaned the dishes and Gramps watched television.

I retired to my workroom and when Gramps had started to bed early, I got him to come into my workroom and watch some television with me. So now he is in bed and I am very close to following him. I talked to Imazo and Mae today and they are doing pretty well. Mae is still shook up over being robbed and the fact that I am going to have to have surgery. She is really concerned over it. Bless her heart.

Well, I guess that is about it for today. I know the relating of all this sounds kind of monotonous...but this is life as it appears in my house. I feel blessed that I have felt so good today. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Love to all of you. Bye for now.

6 comments: TN said...

Grammy, that sounds like most of my days. Here and there and here and yonder. LOL There's always things to do and places to go. I'm thankful that I am still able to move about and do what needs to me done. I think you and I would get along very well together. Have a good week-end. Don't work too hard!!!


Seems you had a rather busy Ruby.
My life is much the same, I do visit my daughter once a week,
Tomorrow I'm meeting up with my eldest son, I look forward to that and in the future hope to visit my other son in Spain. I would like to move and am in 2 minds whether to return to Spain but it will mean I won't see my gandchildren so much.
I hope youand Gramps are ok.
Take care.


Barbara said...

Good Morn. Ruby& Gramps.
Glad you felt so good yesterday.
I am the same way, always something to do, We are waiting for a great grandchild and Joann's grandchild.Suppose to be here
tomorrow. The Dr. told her to be at
the hospital in the morning at 7am.
if she dont go before. It is a boy
she has a girl 18mo old.By for now, Barbara

Grammy said...
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Grammy said...

Hi, Y'all,
Thanks for all the encourgements! Wouldn't it be great if we could all get together in person? Wow!
today is a very quiet one, and I will probably do some quilting this afternoon.
P.S. Congrats to Barbara on new great grand.

Judy said...

Hi Grammy, I am so glad you felt good enough to get up and out and do all that stuff! WOW, makes me tired just thinking about all you did. My days are pretty much the same as yours, running errands, talking to friends, etc. Don't wear yourself completely out.