Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day Activiities

Hey, Y'all,
Gettin' up time came a little early this morning (7 a.m.) because we wanted to get to the polls when they opened (9 a.m.) and we wanted to eat breakfast out at Hardee's as well. Last night I had checked online to find out for sure when the polls were due to open here in our county. Isn't the internet wonderful? I certainly think so.

We got to the voting place and went in to see that there were quite a few people ahead of us, even though we got there a couple of minutes before 9. When we got through with the first part of the process (signing the book and showing our identifications) the officials let us get to the head of the line to vote because Gramps was using his walker. We knew he would need it to stand for a long time. So we got out a little earlier than we would have otherwise. They also let me help him vote since he can not see well.

After leaving the voting place we proceeded to the Walmart, so that I could get some things I needed and then we went home. Gramps therapist, Sarah, was waiting for us when we got here and worked on his neck and shoulders for a while. He is improving greatly in the motion of his neck and can turn it more easily. He was actually able to turn his head to look up the road to make sure nothing was coming over the hill when we went out this morning to vote.
That is a very important role for him and me, since it is very difficult for me to see through his head, when I come to the intersection. Ha.

A little while after Sarah left, I received a call from another therapist with the same group, and he is filling in for the physical therapist, Sharon, who has been helping Gramps for the past few weeks. His name is Stuart and he said he would be here in about 40 minutes. In the meantime, I put a tenderloin in the crock pot to cook for tomorrow (I can smell it even now, as it is cooking). Stu came and worked with Gramps for about thirty minutes and promised to call Friday morning to let us know what time he would be here.

It seems tomorrow is a "free" day, with no therapists scheduled to come, so I have promised Gramps he can sleep in till 10 a.m. if he wishes.

We decided to go to Captain Dee's for a late lunch/early supper and so we left here about 2 p.m. and went to Morristown for that. On our way home, I wanted to make another stop at Walmart and buy the corner baker's rack that I saw there earlier, so that I can put it in the kitchen next to the washer and dryer and use it for my laundry products and a few "pretty" knick knacks to dress up that corner of the kitchen.

I am planning on making some mini cupcakes of carrot cake and yellow cake for Rachael's shower on Saturday. I will decorate them with tinted frosting and little decorative flowers. O hope I can do them with a minimum of mess. ha. Also I am making some snowflakes (paper) to decorate the room where we are giving the shower at a friend's (Karen"s) home. I will be making the cupcakes on Friday afternoon. Since tomorrow is a "free" day, I plan to do the snowflakes and laminate them then.

Hopefully, my arising time tomorrow will be early (around 7 or 7:30). I have a lot planned to do then. I know I will probably be working on Matt's quilt some more. I still need to cut the strips for the backing and also the batting strips need to be cut. I only lack stitching the flowers onto 8 more squares, before I will have that part of the quilt finished. I may do some of that this evening.

Fortunately, this afternoon while we were waiting for Stu to arrive, I got the two loads of clothes folded and put away that I had washed and dried yesterday. I haven't talked to Hugh and Imazo since we saw them on Friday, but will be checking with them tomorrow.

I would like those of you who read my blog to remember my friend, Dot, who had bypass surgery a few weeks ago, when you speak to the Lord. She has healed nicely from the surgery and is doing better, but she has to undergo dialysis several times a week, and I know it is a difficult thing to do, because it takes a lot of energy. Thank you so very much for doing that in her behalf. Thank you for your continued prayers in behalf of Gramps and myself, as well.

This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for the night. May God's love and peace be in your heart as you reflect on your day. Bye for now.

1 comment:

Clara....in TN said...

You have been a busy woman today. I went eary this morning and voted. It wasn't crowded at all. I was glad for that. Bill wasn't able to go. I'm glad you go to go to the head of the line. That was nice of them to let you do that. Well, I'll be back tomorrow to check on you and gramps. Have a good night!