Sunday, November 30, 2008
Winter Blahs

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Happy Birthday, Grandson Matthew

Friday, November 28, 2008
A Really Great Salad
I have had a really great couple of days because our daughter, Teresa, and her husband, Tom have been visiting with us. The mundane and ordinary days were just kind of tossed aside for a while.
We kind of had a long wait for them because they were delayed on their trip by an overturned eighteen wheeler west of here. I was about ready to be calling the highway patrol to see where they were, when I got in contact with Teresa. She explained that they were just pulling into the motel at Dandridge. We had a very late lunch/early supper at 4 p.m. at Shoney's. It was delicious, of course.
It was wonderful to see them, and we had a really great time visiting with them yesterday evening. We made plans for them to come over to our home again and they showed up here around 9:30. Teresa and I went to Knoxville today and did some really good shopping. We visited first with Hugh and Imazo, then went to visit with Mae. We really enjoyed talking to them all, and then we left Mae's and went to Knoxville Center mall.
We didn't see any fights over any merchandise, but that was probably because we didn't go at 4 a.m. In fact, there were parking places to be easily found at noon, when we went. We did a lot of laughing and having fun, talking about events of the past, and such. Everything just seemed to be funny and it was wonderful relaxing fun for the both of us. I really needed it.
We got back home and I had decided the other day to make a salad for our supper which resembled a salad I had had at O'Charley's. It is called a pecan-crusted chicken salad. I experimented the other day with making the pecan-crusted chicken tenders.
Here is the recipe I used for the chicken:
A pound of chicken breasts, cut into small strips,
a cup of pecan pieces, minced
2 cups of Italian Bread Crumbs
2 eggs beaten
Mix together the pecan crumbs and bread crumbs
Dip strips of chicken into crumb mixture and coat the chicken.
Heat butter-flavored Crisco in frying pan, and drop chicken pieces into it carefully.
Brown on both sides, cooking for about six minutes or until chicken is done.
Drain on paper towels.
Now for the salad:
Place into a salad bowl: Hearts of romaine lettuce, a handful of dried cranberries,
drained mandarin oranges, a scattering of bleu cheese, or feta cheese, a few sliced cherry tomatoes, top with pieces of pecan-crusted chicken and top with your favorite dressing (we chose raspberry flavored vinagrette).
I would love to have posted a picture, but I couldn't get the pictures to download from my camera. I will have to do it a different way, but I will post the picture soon.
The salads were delicious, and so simple to make. Teresa helped me to prepare them, but wouldn't let me take her picture. Bummer! She is such a beautiful person.
Well, Gramps has already gone to bed and it is only a little past 8 p.m. I guess we wore him out playing a game after supper. I made a pumpkin pie for dessert, along with the fried peach pies (which were really yummy - still have a couple left, in fact). I am going in and have a piece of pumpkin pie in a few minutes.
Tom and Teresa are back in their motel by now, packing up to go back home. I am hoping that they will soon be back to visit us. I am more relaxed right now than I have been in months. Thank you all, my children. I believe it is true that laughter is good for the soul. I know it did me a world of good today.
Tomorrow is the 24th birthday anniversary of my grandson, Matthew. Happy Birthday, Grandson, we love you!
This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off. Pumpkin pie, here I come. Bye for now. More tomorrow. Love to all of you.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
One of Life's Embarrassing Moments
Now why would anyone want to write about an embarrassing moment they had experienced? Well, just simply because it was funny in the years after it happened.
What reminded me of it was when Gramps and I were talking about Thanksgivings past. Here is what happened:
When I was about thirteen years old, the church that we attended was having a Sunday evening music service where anyone who wanted to could sing. My mom was always singing little songs and she had taught us one about Thanksgiving. So I decided that I was going to sing that one. Now the song is sung to the tune of "Yankee Doodle". You know the one that kids learn in school about Yankee Doodle keep it up, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Mind the music and the steps and with the girls be handy.
The words to the song that Mom had taught us were:
Thanksgiving Day has come at last,
Our hearts are jumpin', thumpin'
We're off to Grandma's house to eat
The turkey and the pumpkin!
Of all the nice things good to eat
Our Grandma dear can make them
She lets us kids have what we want,
And never says don't take them.
Well, there are more words to the song, but you get the idea. The only problem with my singing the song, was that I was singing it so fast that the pianist who was going to accompany me, couldn't keep up with me. I literally ran away with the song.
I was nervous, because I had never sung before a group of people before. It was a disaster and I was in the middle of it. The pianist finally just gave up and quit trying to play the song. I finished the song, post haste, and was so embarrassed I could hardly walk back to my pew.
Needless to say, it was a long time before I hazarded singing a solo in front of a group of listeners, but it didn't stop me for ever. I am just a natural born: (choose one) performer, show-off, ham, out-going person who is not shy of meeting people and making friends.
Well, have a Happy Thanksgiving, all of you who read my blog! It is going to be a great holiday for us with our daughter, Teresa, and her husband, Tom, coming in to spend it with us. God's richest blessings on each of you. I hope you will each find something to be thankful for and also something to laugh about, even if it is my silly but true story. Bye for now. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Appointments by God
Do you beiieve that many times we are appointed by God to be in certain places at given times? I do, because I believe that God is all-knowing, all-seeing, and is fully aware of everything going on or that will be happening in our lives. I just want to relate some of the times that I think God appointed me to be in given places.
When I was working at my first job in Knoxville as an 18-year old high school graduate, I was living in a one-room apartment with my mother, who worked at the Holston Knitting Mill. We lived in Knoxville, working during the week, and then went home to the farm in New Market on the week-ends. We were renting from an aunt who owned her mother's house (my grandmother on my dad's side of the family). My aunt lived in the front room of the house, and our room was in back of hers. On the opposite side of the hallway was a three room apartment, rented by a young married couple. The girl and I became acquainted. She worked at one of the dime stores in Knoxville and had seen a friend of hers who was home from serving in the U.S. Army. She said he was real cute and set us up for a date.
The young man courted me for a few weeks and then proposed. I accepted, and we were married early in January of 1952. I believe that was a God appointed meeting. Out of our marriage came two beautiful girls, who are now in their fifties, and are loved by many people, and who have had a great impact on those around them. We separated eight years later, due to mistakes on both our parts.
Another instance of what I consider to be a God-appointed meeting was when I met my second husband, more than fourteen years later, when we were both teaching summer school.
Out of that meeting, and subsequent dating, we were married and I gained a life-long friend and help-mate. He is loved by both the girls and their families, and loves them devotedly.
We moved to Florida in June of 2004. I had no idea that it would be a life-changing move for Gramps and me. In August of that year, it was discovered that I needed bypass heart surgery. The doctor that we had chosen to be our new family doctor discovered in July that I had two heart murmurs. He sent me to specialists and after several tests, I was checked into the hospital and had triple by-pass surgery and a pacemaker installed in my chest. My daughter, Teresa, who we were living with, and her husband, Tom, gave me such excellent care. I know that God had appointed us to be there.
When we were in Ohio recently, I know that we were there because we were meant to be. We were in the right place at the right time for Gramps to be helped when he needed it.
I believe also, that we moved back to Tennessee when we were most needed here. I know that had we not been here, we would not have been able to be of assistance to my sister and to my brother and two sisters-in-law. I also know that many of the good times we have been able to share with both Gramps family and my family would have been missed.
Yes, for sure, God guides us, when we let HIm, and He appoints places for us to be for our good and for the good of others. Now, may God's richest blessings be felt by you and yours. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Rest well tonight. Bye for now.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday Rain
Last night was not a very restful one. I usually take a couple of benedryl to help me sleep, and my back was in a killing mood (meaning it was really giving me a lot of pain), so that was a double whammy for sleeping. Gramps had slept quite a bit during the day, so he was not very sleepy either. Oh, well, maybe tonight will be better. (yes, he did have a nap while I was gone this morning, so we will see).
I got up about 1:30 a.m. and applied some Biofreeze to my aching back and did get some rest and a little sleep. Believe it or not, that stuff really works.
Around 6:15, I got up for the last time for good, and came into my workroom and worked on the quilt for about an hour. Gramps got up about 7:15 and we had breakfast. He knew I had a doctor's appointment today, and thought I was already gone, because he didn't hear me using the sewing machine.
I left about 9:45 a.m. for my appointment in Knoxville at the cardiologists (U.T. Medical center) and when i got to the parking area, I had to drive around for about 15 minutes trying to find a parking space. Don't you just hate driving around a parking area when it is raining and every space is full? I finally found a space next to the entrance to the Heart and Lung Vascular building. Providence finally smiled on me!
When the nurse took my blood pressure (after all that pressure of finding a parking space), naturally it was high. The doctor increased my medication to what he thought I had been taking, but hadn't been. Another medication was also increased.
We shall see if my pressure improves over the next few weeks. He advised that I see my primary doctor about prescribing something to reduce the pain in my back, since pain can increase blood pressure. (Of course, stress can elevate blood pressure as well, but I didn't remind him of that little fact).
Gramps is doing much better with daily life. He is beginning to get his appetite back. He actually has gone into the kitchen yesterday and today to look for and find food to eat when I was not here. He is continuing to get up at night and not need any help doing so. I am greatly encouraged.
On my way home today from the doctor's office, I stopped off for brief visits with Hugh and Imazo and then Mae. It was really good to see them again. We didn't get to go out to eat last week for their anniversary like we had hoped to. Imazo did tell me that her sister, Lois, whom we went to visit in September in Ohio, fell and broke a hip and is back in the hospital but doing well.
Mae is looking forward to spending Thanksgiving Day with her family and is planning on making some fried peach pies to take with her. They will be taking dinner at the home of her son, Fred, and his wife, Doris.
We look forward to a visit from our daughter, Teresa, and her husband, Tom, during the couple of days of Thanksgiving. It has been close to two years since we have seen them, although we keep in close touch.
The weather looks cold and dreary outside, but it is warm and cozy in our little home. I stopped at Buddy's Barbq and brought our lunch home and it is gone. Burp!
I have bought some dried peaches and will be frying some peach pies for our dessert on Thursday and Friday. They are cooking on the stove right now. I will be making the pies on Thursday morning, so they will be warm and fresh on that day.
Well, that is about all for now. I am sure that Carol and her family will have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Daniel and his family are coming down from Illinois and of course the other three children and families will be there as well.
This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Love to you all, and peace be unto you.
Bye for now.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Autumn Glory
Yesterday morning, I looked out and saw some flurries flying around, nothing serious, but it reminded me of how my sister and I used to call one another when it was snowing. One of us would say, "Well, it's a fallin'". The other would reply, "Yep, it sure is!" Then we would continue on to wonder if it would lay.
I was straightening my computer desk today, and happened upon a package containing poems that she had written, and that I had collected from her apartment after her death a little less than a year ago. One of them is called Autumn Glory and she wrote it in 1955. Since it is still technically autumn, I am going to print it here for your enjoyment.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Happy Anniversary number 56 - Hugh and Imazoe

Hugh is a big brother that I have always looked up to. He and Imazoe have worked hard during their lives to bring up their two children, David and Jeff, to be good, kind and loving citizens and have succeeded well in doing so.
Imazoe is a very talented lady (she would probably never admit it). She is very good at doing craft work, is an excellent seamstress, a really good cook, and I wish I could fold clothes to look as neat as she does. When there is anything to be done, she jumps right in and leads the way. I admire her so very much.
Wedding Invitations In the Making
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Middle of the Week Day
Just sitting here trying to keep from going to sleep. The sun is shining in warm on my back and I have been up since about six a.m. I decided last night that I was going to be doing some cleaning of dusty furniture and washing up the "dust catchers" that are in my liivng room. SOOO, when I couldn't sleep any more, I got up and got busy.
Gramps was still sawing logs and continued to do so until about 11:30 a.m. That left me plenty of time to carry collectible junk into the kitchen and swish it all through soapy water that I had put in the kitchen sink.
I quit washing and drying stuff about 8:30 a.m. and had my breakfast of cold cereal and finished reading the paperback that I have been reading over the past couple of days. After breakfast, I continued my labors until about 11:15, and sat down in a casual chair in the living room and as I was resting, I drifted off to sleep only to be awakened by the ringing of the telephone. It was a number that has been turning up on my caller ID, with a private number. I had already looked up the area code for the number and found it to be coming from San Antonio. I tried to trace it by looking it up on the computer in "reverse" numbers. It would not identify the name of the caller.
I decided to answer the phone and discovered it was A.T.& T calling to offer me DSL service. After I had talked to the lady awhile and informed her that I didn't believe we could have accesss to DSL out here where we live. She rushed to assure me, that yes we do. Anyhow, after a few minutes, she checked her facts again and discovered that "no, we don't have DSL where you live." I said, "I knew it. and we have Hughes Net and are under contract to them, anyway". I then informed her that I was tired of getting the calls from them (AT&T) and to please stop calling. She said it would take a month to be sure that we wouldn't be getting any more calls from them.
The quilt I am working on for Matt is almost half put together (4 rows attached) and after I get the other four rows on, I will be doing some hand stitiching on it to personalize it for him. I hope to have it finished for Christmas.
Tomorrow, I am planning on redoing my work room and clearing out some obsolete and unnecessary stuff that I have in here. I will probably get an early start on it. I look around at it, and see a lot of unorganized mess. I have been planning on doing this for about 4 months, but you know how that goes, I guess.
Supper tonight will be a small supreme pizza and a small salad. Gramps and I will share a DeGiorno (It's not delivery...It's DeGiorno!).
I went over to Mark and Allie's this afternoon and spent some time with Rachael, Tanya, and Tanya's two little boys, Kevin, and Adam. What fun! Rachael and Tanya are busily getting invitations made to send out to people for Rachael's upcoming wedding. Kevin, three, sang some Christmas songs with us. What a delightful little voice he has! Both boys are just darling. I am hoping to have some time to spend with them tomorrow, as well. I'll try to get some pictures then for my blog.
Well, gotta go turn on the oven and get the pizza ready to put into the oven. More later. Love to you all. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for the day. May you each experience the love of God in your heart and in your lives. Bye for now.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Gramps Speaks - Part two of 100 things
Since I am putting the rest of Gramps' hundred things about himself, I thought a sweet picture to go with it would be one that I took of him with Ellie, our great granddaughter that we just met in August.
51. My first taste of women's lib happened when I was in the first grade, and being the helpful person that I am, I got a chair for a little girl that I thought was really cute. She rebuffed me by getting her own chair and ignoring my assistance.
52, My brother, Howard, got the nickname of "Mouse" when he was in high school. It happened one day when he saw a mouse run across the room, and he said, "There goes a mouse!". Later. because I was his little brother, I was called "Little Mouse".
53. My favorite movies when I was growing up were westerns. I still enjoy watching the old westerns.
54. My favorite pies are: pecan, apple, and lemon meringue.
55. I love peanut brittle.
56. A favorite meal of mine is country fried steak and country gravy on top of it with mashed potatoes.
57. I used to love going out with Ruby on Friday evening after a week of teaching and eating fish at Shoney's and then going to a movie.
58. I used to enjoy doing the cryptograms in the News-Sentinel.
59. I am proud of my wife's ability to do almost anything.
60. When I was in elementary school, we didn't have a lunch room, and my teachers noticed I never brought any lunch to school. They brought a lunch for me every day.
61. One of my teachers in the fourth grade noticed me chewing my crayons and started bringing me lunch.
62. I am a collector, and have collected stamps, coins, and little model cars.
63. In the fifth grade, a boy had done something that upset the teacher. We had windows that opened out, and because she was chasing him with a paddle, he jumped up into the window and threatened to jump out. He didn't though.
64. I have been a deacon at our church and was an active one about 25 years ago, but can no longer serve.
65. I like to whistle sometimes, and sometimes I keep whistling the same thing over and over again, until Ruby finishes the song for me, so I will stop it.
66. I enjoy watching informational television.
67. I like to watch public television, sometimes even the educational ones for kids.
68. I once turned a somersault for my grandson, Daniel, when he was about three and I was about 52.
69. I like seeing Tiger Woods play golf.
70. I fell in love with Ruby at first sight, a little over 42 years ago.
71. I love to tease and aggravate her.
72. I like doing things for other people.
73. I can be quite stubborn when it comes to something that I am convicted about.
74. I consider myself to be patriotic and love my country.
75. I was rejected for military duty because of my lazy eye.
76. I miss my brother, Howard, and my sister, Johnnie, and all the good times we used to have when we got together.
77. I used to watch Johnny Carson every night.
78. I haven't driven a car for ten years and miss the freedom it gave me.
79. I really admired JFK and was saddened when he was assassinated.
80. I used to wash dishes for Ruby when she was teaching and I was retired.
81. I helped John, Ruby's brother, build the upper story on his house out here in the country.
82.He held the ladder for me while I climbed up and nailed on boards.
83. I really enjoyed watching Maureen O'Hara and John Wayne in movies.
84. I liked the Esther Williams movies too.
85. When my mother died, it left a big hole in my heart and life.
86. I have had two really bad cases of sunburn over my whole body. One time was when Ruby and I went to New Mexico to visit Teresa, who was in the Air Force. We spent the whole day at the base pool and I came away looking like a giant lobster. It was a few days before I could bear to have clothes touch me.
87. I lived for many years in the house that my mother had built after my father died from the mine accident. I did not leave it until Ruby and I were married. I was 50 years old at the time.
88. I can now walk through the house without my cane or walker.
89. I like to ride trains.
90. I would love to go to Yellowstone National park and see the geysers and other natural features.
91. I like flying in small planes so that I can see the natural features of the land below.
92. Ruby and I love to watch children play. They have so much joy and energy.
93. I am proud of my daughters and their families.
94. I take pleasure and pride in their accomplishments.
95. I take pleasure and pride in all the accomplishments of my nieces and nephews.
96. I cannot, and do not wish to, operate a computer.
97. I am at peace and am ready to meet my Maker any time He wishes to call me home.
NOTE: I would like to add these things about Gramps:
98. He is a gentleman of the old school manner. He always removes his hat to pray, when he sees a flag go by in a parade, and will not eat wearing his hat. He always waits to let everyone out before him, and if I happen to be standing behind him, I am the last one to leave. ha.
99. He is slow to anger, and remains calm when I might not be.
100. He is tender-hearted and solicitous, always considering the needs and wants of others. I love him.
Th-th-that's all folks.
Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Hopefully, I haven't repeated any that I put down the other day. I didn't go back and read the ones I had already posted. Bye for now.
Whoa! Busy Monday...Fer Shure
I decided yesterday to do some rearranging of our bedroom, which meant taking apart the twin beds, and buying some wood planks to put inside the bed frames, so that perhaps it would firm up the mattress on top. I knew I would have to wait until Gramps decided to get out of his bed. Duh!
After I got up, I came into the kitchen to take my first med for the day, and after getting dressed for the day, I came into my sewing area and finished up the second row on Matt's quilt, and made a short list of what I wanted to get in Jefferson City.
When I had finished breakfast, Gramps was getting out of bed, and so after he had had his breakfast and insulin, I went into the bedroom, stripped the beds, took apart the beds, stood the mattresses up against the wall, and measured the distance between the rails that the box spring rests on. That way,I would know what length to get the wood slats cut into.
After getting Gramps settled into the living room, I left for Jefferson City, and went to Lowe's, where I found furring strips that a clerk cut into the lengths I asked for. Then a quick trip to Food City for groceries and then I headed for home.
Right now it is just three o'clock, and we have had lunch and put the beds back up and I am in the process of washing the bed linens so that I can remake the beds in a couple of hours.
So, this has been a busy day so far. It is not over, but I am resting right now. I know Gramps is going to have to get used to his bed being turned in a different direction. He thought I was getting our bedroom ready for our guests (Tom and Teresa) coming next week, until I told him that they would be staying at a motel. Bless his heart.
I have just taken a break and had a piece of chocolate meringue pie that I bought in a weakened moment while at the grocery store this morning. Yum!
I will have to stop in a while and fold a passel of clothes that are dry and waiting in a clothes basket. More are drying in the dryer, and bed linens are in the washer. Then I'll be making potato soup in a little while for supper.
The beds have yet to be made, but I have until at least eight o'clock this evening to do that.
Tomorrow I will be posting the rest of "Gramps' 100 things about me ".
Well, I am heading into the living room now to fold clothes. I can sit at the couch and fold them, and it gives my back a rest.
This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for the day. May you feel and experience God's love in your heart. His blessings rest on each of us. Bye for now.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Lazy Day Sunday (I Think)
Friday, November 14, 2008
I am Encouraged
This won't be a long posting today. Just wanted to let you know how encouraged I am by the fact that Gramps actually asked for us to go out to eat this afternoon, even with the weather looking crummy.
He laid in bed until 11:30 this morning and then got up to eat breakfast, but at around 4: 30 he got dressed in his outside clothes, (blue jeans, shirt, etc.) and asked about going out for supper. We went to Shoney's for their seafood buffet.
That pleased me greatly and encourged me. I have been busy today starting the sewing on Matt's quilt, that is, the actual putting together of the squares. I put together the first four rows of squares and will probably finish the other four rows sometime this weekend.
I may sew some more on them this evening. It is just around 7:45 p.m. right now. I have one prime time television program at 8:00 p.m. that I want to watch. I am trying to keep my eyes open right now, because I was up at 6:30 this morning. It would be so easy to go to bed right now, but then I would wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to get back to sleep.
This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for the night. Love to all of you, and may you feel God's peace and love in your hearts. Bye for now.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Hey, Y'all,
Just a few lines to tell you about our day today. I had already posted a story about today, but I wasn't happy with the way it was published. So here goes again.
Today is the birthday anniversary of two very special people in our lives: my brother, Hugh, who turned 80 today, and my sister-in-law, Mae, who turned 89 today. She is the widow of my oldest brother, Bill, who passed away twenty-two years ago.
We went to Knoxville this afternoon to take Hugh and Imazo to eat. We had planned to take Mae also, but she was snatched away by her children and grandchildren to be taken out to eat. ha. (I say snatched away because we didn't know until yesterday that she wouldn't be going with us).
Mae is shown in the picture to the left with her sister, Lucille. Mae is the one on the right. Hugh and Imazo are shown in the picture to the left. They come as a pair. You never (or hardly ever) see one without the other. :)
We are back home from our trip to Knoxville, where we went to Pueleo's Grill Restaurant. Yummy place to eat. We made little oink oinks out of ourselves.The real story, however, is how we got to Pueleo's. I quite often have trouble finding my way into places that are kind of out of the way. Same held true, this time.
When I told Gramp's speech therapist, Carol, that we were planning on eating there, she very generously gave us a coupon that would allow us to either get an appetizer or a dessert. BTW, (humming Pomp and Circumstance)hmm hmmm hmmm, hmm, hmmm= Gramps was graduated today from home health care and we will really miss having friends (that is what they became) coming in to help him get better.
Well, we came off the interstate onto Strawberry Plains Pike and saw the restaurant, but weren't sure where to turn to get into it, and accidentally found ourselves back on the interstate, and had to drive five miles (we enjoyed the scenery - that was a plus) and exited again onto the Pike, and found our way in (thank the Lord!) Always an adventure when we go somewhere, you know!
We had a lovely lunch/supper and when it came to time for dessert, we had it packaged up and took it with us. Hugh and Imazo had a coupon book as well and were able to use it for a take home dessert, too. We took the choice (apple pie) and then we all had coffee and pie when we got back to Hugh's.
I still feel stuffed and I didn't even finish my entree!
A little bit now about my brother, Hugh, and our sister-in-law, Mae. Hugh was 9 when Mae joined our family by marrying my oldest brother, Bill. I was only 4 at the time, and so, I have known her my entire memory of life. She has been my sister and confidante forever. I love and respect her dearly. She and Bill were married almost 50 years before he passed away from a brain tumor in 1986.
Hugh has always been my big brother, and I have adored and looked up to him always. He is one of the kindest and funniest people I have ever known. We all of us, share so many of the same memories, and we miss my sister and brothers who shared those same memories. One cannot think of Hugh without thinking of Imazo as well. Next week, they will observe their 56th wedding anniversay. He (and we) are so blessed to have Imazo in our lives. Imazo is a kind and loving sister to me, and I value her love and friendship dearly.
Our whole family has always been close and we miss those who have gone on before us, but we know that we will see them again some day. In the meantime, we look forward to those times when those of us who are still here can get together.
Thanksgiving is coming up in a couple of weeks. We look forward to getting together with family and friends. Gramps and I look forward to seeing our youngest daughter, Teresa, and her husband, Tom,then.
This is Blabbin' Grammy fixing to take her full tummy to bed in a little while. Signing off for now. God bless each of you. Good night. Bye for now.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Gramps Speaks - 100 Things about Me
The picture I have posted is of Gramps with our oldest grandson and his family.
This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for the evening. May you feel God's love and peace within your hearts. Bye for now.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Autumn in East Tennessee
Monday, November 10, 2008
Anniversary Time
I looked through several pictures on my computer to find one to post (a recent one) and found this one from this summer. Pictured are Gramps and myself, our good friends, Mark, Allie, and Jennifer.
The location is, of course, our front porch.
Our day began today with having to get up early to go to the local hospital so Gramps could have another MRI of his head so that the doctor could do a follow-up on the accident that he had in August when the shower curtain rod fell on him. Of course, he had to have the MRI with no breakfast. She had ordered a CT Scan, but the radiologists told us that if he has any blood clots or bleeding inside his head, the contrast would hide them.
Well, after we were finished at the hospital, we decided to go to Shoney's for breakfast. Yum! It was great, of course, and we enjoyed it tremendously. We decided to stop at the County Farmer's Co-op to see if they had any strong liniment. Why did we want liniment? Because, the doctor suggested we get some and use it on Gramps' neck and shoulders to loosen up the muscles and help him feel better.
We found some Watkins' White Liniment which has the active ingredients of menthol and turpentine. I put some on his upper and lower neck (in back) and will apply more tonight.
This afternoon, Gramps' speech therapist, Carol, came for her visit and, as usual, we had a really fun time, talking and playing a game. She will only be here one more time to finish up her time with us. We are really going to miss seeing her. Maybe she will stop by sometime just for a visit and to let us see her.
If you will remember, I told you about cooking a pork tenderloin in the crock pot, adding diet root beer to cook it in, and adding a few spices and some garlic. It was delicious, but after a few sandwiches with it, I decided to use the rest of it in a casserole. I cut up the remainder, added diced tomatoes that had jalapenos in them, cooked a half box of macaroni and added that, then put in a small can of tomato sauce (no salt added), a partial package of grated 4 cheese mixture, a can of low sodium cream of celery soup, a cup of milk, and stirred it all together, put it into a baking dish, and topped it with sliced american cheese and baked in a 350 degree oven for 35 minutes. Yum, it was really good. Oh yes, when we dished it up, we added black pepper to the top of it. Toasted some sliced bread to serve with it, and that was our supper tonight.
Well, that is about it for today. More tomorrow. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for tonight. Love to all of you, and may God's blessings touch your heart and may you feel as blessed as we do. Bye for now.