Thursday, August 16, 2012

Storytelling, Again

Hey, Y'all,
Well, if you ever feel a little "down" or at loose ends, go spend some time with little ones. Yesterday was my regular time to visit my three great grands who live about ten minutes away from me. I took some little tubes of bubbles with me that we spent some time blowing. Little Brooke, who is somewhere close to two (I think) was fun to watch, pursing her lips to blow and getting the wand very close to her mouth. She wound up spilling a good deal of the bubble mixture, because she didn't realize that tipping the container with one hand while holding the wand with the other hand would cause it. 

Then I read a book called "Arthur Loses A Tooth" to Alyssa, who is 3 and 1/2. We talked all about teeth, and how we begin losing our baby teeth when we are around 6 or 7 years old, and our grown up teeth begin coming in to replace the baby teeth. We talked about the tooth fairy (some why's came in during the discussion - she loves to ask why) and I removed my upper plate of dentures -thankfully, they were clean , ha. You should have seen the look of amazement on her face. It was priceless!!

Her mother, Julia, and I had a good laugh. I know Alyssa will have a lot of questions for her mom and dad. Ha ha ha. Julia told me then about how her great grandmother had lived with them when she was a little girl. The grandma had Alzheimer's and would remove her teeth at the  table. They would all say, "put your teeth in, Grandma" and she would just laugh and say she couldn't remember anything and had no worries. 

I have been enjoying doing a little bit of storytelling at church. On Saturday, I provided the program for our seniors pot luck with three Cherokee folk tales. Then last evening, we had a talent show featuring mostly kids, some singing by a male trio, and a folk tale by yours truly. The pastor was the emcee. We had the talent show and ice cream in the fellowship hall. It was all great fun!

Today, I'll be going with one of my Sunday School class members to visit a former member (that I have never met) who is in a nursing home. This evening is when I get together with some of my friends for our evening meal and to play dominoes. 

Well, that is about it... I think I may begin a new quilt sometime this morning, after I put together the salmon loaf I am making for this evening's meal. I bought some Sister Schubert's dinner rolls for bread tonight. Yum!

This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.     


Anonymous said...

Lady you are one going concern.

Blabbin' Grammy said...

I reckon:)

Blabbin' Grammy said...
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Teresa said...

OH YUMMY...Salmon loaf...I'll bet it was wonderful.