Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Happy Birthday, Madora!

Hey,  Y'all
Quite a few birthdays in my family over the next week or so. It is almost unbelievable. Birthdays include BJ's wife, Madora, (my new grand-daughter) today,  and a couple of days later, BJ's (Tom and Teresa's son and my grandson)birthday, then the day after that is Daniel's (Carol and Daryl's oldest and my grandson), and a few days after that we are celebrating Daryl's (my son-in-law)and little Brooke's (Andrew and Julia's little daughter, Carol and Daryl's grand-daughter, and my great grand). Whew! Did I leave anyone out? 

Anyway, this is a Blanket HAPPY BIRTHDAY! wishing all of you many happy returns of the day!

Oh, Oh! Just started sneezing.
Apparently this is going to be one of my "sneezy days"! I have those every once in a while. 

Well,  yesterday, I finished almost one full section of Mae's quilt. One more to go and then connect them, add the binding and label, then "Voila"! It will be ready to photograph and then send off. Hopefully by next week (or sooner), depending on how well it goes in completion. 

I hope to have "Cookie Jack" on the way on September first. I'm a thinkin' about him and how he is going to be doing in this episode. I reckon that story will just have to unfold like the rest of them have. I won't really know until it begins weaving itself. Sometimes I have very little control over them. Ha.

Well, that is about it for today. Happy Birthday, Madora! Love to you

Madora with son, Roman, and quilt I made for him
This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.

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