Saturday, August 30, 2008

Birthdays Sometimes Come in Threes

Hey, Y'all,

We (Gramps and I) want to wish several people a Happy Birthday! This weekend, three people very dear to us have a birthday; actually, three of our grandchildren do.

Our Grandson, Will (also known as B.J.) turns 23 this weekend; our honorary granddaughter, Jennifer turns 25 (?) this weekend; and our Grandson, Daniel, has a 31st birthday on Monday. Three wonderful young people and very important in our lives and in the lives of others.

Will is the son of our daughter, Teresa, and ex-husband, Bill, and step-son of her husband, Tom, and is an airman in the U.S. Air Force in California. Will has a cute little wife named Natasha, and an adorable baby girl named Alyssa, who is 8 months old.

Jennifer is our honorary granddaughter from Taiwan and is a graduate student at Carson-Newman in Jefferson City.

Daniel is our grandson who lives in Illinois with his wife, Whitney, and four children, Hannah, Austin, Noah, and Ellie. He is the pastor of a Bethany Community Church, and is the son of our daughter, Carol and her husband, Daryl.
We are so very proud of all three of them and wish them the best in the year to come.


Update on Gramps..He still has a stiff neck, but I think it is getting a little bit better. His head still hurts, but I think it is from his neck muscles. We had a little better night last night, and he is up (for the day, I hope). He was up at 7:30 this morning. We may go out on the porch after while and enjoy the morning fresh air.
Haven't heard any more about John yet. Will update you when I can.

This is about all for today from Blabbin' Grammy. I may try to do some quilt piecing today. (maybe). Thought for today: "if you can't say something good to somebody or about somebody, keep your mouth closed". (my version of that old saying)

Bye for now. God blesses us each even when we don't know it.

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