Friday, September 9, 2011

Saw the Eye Surgeon

Hey,  Y'all,
Well, Yeah, I know I haven't posted anything in the last few days but, here I am. :)

On Wednesday, I went to the church at around 9 a.m. to do some inventorying on the music that has accumulated over the past several years with no actual records of what is there.  Karen, the Minister of Music, showed me how to use the Excel spreadsheet on her laptop, and I got busy. I worked all day till about four o'clock, taking time out for lunch with Karen and the ladies in the office. I think I got a pretty fair amount completed. 

At four, I went over to the fellowship hall next door and sat there at one of the tables and read, along with chatting with the ladies who prepare the Wednesday night suppers. They are a lovely group of ladies, and one of them has two little boys who had a great time running around and playing. I enjoyed sitting there and watching them, intermittently reading.

After supper the choir members went over to the church and we practiced a song that is coming up soon for the Sunday Service. We almost have it ready but it still needs some serious work. 

Yesterday morning, I went to see the eye surgeon, and I saw him, and it was easier to see him than it was to see the little letters on the wall chart. Ha Ha. Have you ever heard the joke about the invisible man going to the optometrist? The optometrist said to the nurse, "Tell him I can't see him today." Ha ha.

Most of the "seeing" of me was done by his technicians, then he comes in and sits down, looks into my eyes with the light and the machine, rattles off a bunch of technical stuff to the assistant, and then tells me about what he hopes to do for me. I have scar tissue where previous laser work was done and healed. So he is going to use a laser to smooth down the scar tissue so I will be able to see better. The surgery is called PTK  (Phototherapeutic Keratectomy) I think that is the correct name of it. I will look it up again since I am writing it from memory and if I need to, I will change it in my next post. 

I went over to visit Connie, a good friend of mine and a fellow class member after I left the doc's office. Connie and Hazel were the class members who came to visit me following my first visit to the Sunday School Class at Woodland Heights Baptist Church. Of course, I consider all the ladies of the class as good friends of mine. I love them all. They have just taken me to their hearts, and that is a good place to be, believe you me! Connie and I had a nice long visit (hope it wasn't too long for her, I just love to talk and laugh and have a good time). We had a delicious lunch which she had prepared.

Today, I am heading back to the church to do some more work on the music inventory. Karen won't be there, but now that I know what I am doing, I can do some weeding out of the music that she asked me to do, and also some handwritten stuff that can be transferred easily to the spread sheet. 

For breakfast this morning, I am having some fresh bread toasted with some of the Apricot Marmalade that Lois brought back to the ladies of our class when she went to Oregon a few weeks ago. Yum! Fresh coffee to go with it, and that makes a good breakfast. One of the ladies who cooks in the kitchen at church gave me the loaf of bread which had just come out of the oven and it is soooooooooo good!

Well, that is about it for today. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.


Lisa said...

haha you are funny Grammy. and the mention of inventory and spreadsheet and lunches and hot bread, makes me know that you've had wonderful beneficial time, maybe even better than I could say for myself:)

I hope you'll have a good Friday and a wonderful weekend.


You have a wonderful sense of humour, you do cheer me whenever I read your blogs.
I hope the laser treatment will go well.

Take care.