Friday, September 23, 2011

A New Friend

Hey, Y'all,
I met a really nice young lady this morning when I went to my local bank. She helped me with getting some banking business done and we had quite a long and interesting conversation. Ghazala was the young lady's name and she is from Pakistan. We found out we have a whole lot in common, one of those being that she is a Christian. It is always wonderful to meet other believers, isn't it? I told her I would give her a link to a fellow blogger's blog. So, Ghazala, here it is. Rayna

I hope you enjoy reading her blog, which is called "Coffee Rings Everywhere". Just click on the word, Rayna, and it will take you there. 

Yesterday afternoon, the ladies in my Sunday School class met at the home of Pat, one of our members, who very graciously opened her home to us to meet. We had refreshments of cookies, chips, and tea and had a grand old time talking and playing "Chicken Foot Dominoes". You should have heard us. We sang, chattered and just generally whooped it up. There were eight of us, and we missed the three members who were not there. 

Carol, my daughter, is still recuperating nicely from her surgery of a week ago. She is straining at the bit to get active again, and I am cautioning her, because of the many surgeries I have had, and I know how easy it is to overdo when you think you are feeling just fine. I am being a bossy mama. 

I have been playing a computer game called '4 Elements' and am to the very last level and just can't get a handle on doing the clicking fast enough. It keeps telling me "sorry, grammy, you need to start the level over'. Grrrrrrrrrr. Worse than problems that I had with "Farmville". It is the height of frustration that I can't move fingers fast enough. 

We have been having some rain, and my grass has greened up, and is growing again. It is wonderful to see the green again, isn't it? Today was the fall equinox, where the number of hours of dark and light are equal. We are looking for a really warm weekend of 95 degrees on Sunday. 

That is about it for today. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. More later. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now.


Manzanita said...

What fun you have with life. Linking up people together, being able to play at being "bossy Mama." (I can't seem to manage that one Ha) Playing your fun games and singing. Life is like a wonderful holiday, isn't it?


Hope all goes well for Carol.

Have a grand week-end