Well, In case you didn't know, it does snow some here, and did yesterday and some more last night. Admittedly, it was not a lot, but enough to say we had our first snow of the winter. Actually, more problems were caused by black ice and accidents in the Dallas multiplex this morning. Hopefully, the only thing that was lost was time, and I know a lot of that was lost.
Yesterday morning, I had not slept much the night before, so I stayed at home and watched church services at our church, online at www.countrysidebiblechurch.org/
at about 9:15 a.m., (in case you ever want to watch). Then spent the rest of the morning working on my fireplace project of which I will post pictures when I get it finished and installed. It will probably be sometime next week when I get it posted. :)
Then about 4 p.m., I let sleep take me back to bed for a four hour nap and at 8 p.m. I got up and had a toasted cheese sandwich accompanied by fresh strawberries. Played a little Farmville and went back to bed, and more or less slept till nearly 8 a.m. Needless to say, I feel somewhat rested this morning.
Today, I need to do a few catchup things like folding laundry, wrapping the outdoor water faucets so they don't freeze up in the below freezing temperatures, write some checks to pay bills, you know, all that fun stuff. Ha ha ha. Maybe work a little more on my fireplace project. Maybe even take a shower this afternoon after I do the outside stuff. Don't want to go outside with freshly washed skin and hair, and take cold.
Well, that is about it for right now. More later. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now.
Hi, it has been awhile since I have visited...I wanted to stop by and tell you I have missed reading your blog...it is still such a wonderful, homey blog...I just love it! I did the A-Z Challenge with Arlee Bird with you and many others...anyway just wanted to say hello!
Glad you got to see some snow, Ruby. And that you didn't have to go anywhere in it!
Sounds like you got some rest. I enjoyed your story about the 3 gentleman you met and your Scottish plaid dress. Have a good week.
Well we got snow,about 8in.most we have since the big one in 93.We don't usally get much here.We use to get snows like this in the 70's and 80's,cold too.the high today is 30degrees.Well have a good evening and stay warm.
We had dreadful snow back in November, hope it stays away.
Also I hope did keeps away from Nashville when I fly over in Feb.
Loved the photo's thanks for sharing.
Farmville!! It is fun, isn't it ;)
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