Hey, Y'all,
Well, as you probably know, I have been talking for some time about getting a kitten. Several weeks ago, I looked out into my backyard and saw a mother cat with two kittens, and it looked like they went under the very low deck in my backyard. Guess what? This morning I looked out the kitchen window, and there they were! Same mama cat with same two kittens that looked almost mature. I am sure they are feral, and would never do to become indoor cats, but they are sure cute. The mama is kind of like a tabby cat, but the kittens are black with white bibs.
I may wait until May to get a kitten when the weather is warmer and will give me more time to get my house cat ready. I am planning on making a visit back to Tennessee around my birthday, and I think I should wait until I return from there to get a cat.
Well, I haven't done much today yet, haven't even had breakfast yet.
An hour or so later....I went into the kitchen and had breakfast. While I was in there, the cats came out again. I got a picture of mama cat, and almost got one of the kittens, which are almost as big as mama cat, but as soon as they heard the chirp of the bird (when I turn on my camera), they ran back under the deck. So the only picture I can post here is one of the mama cat. She is in the center of the picture.
Well, I need to get a little bit done around here today...dishes, towels and sheets laundered, clothes folded..you know the drill...maybe even clean the floors and bathrooms. Then I can have the weekend to rest...oops, it is the weekend, isn't it? Ha ha.
Haven't heard from Carol today, but I did have supper with her and Daryl last evening, and I will see them at church tomorrow, and probably have lunch with them tomorrow.
That is about it for today. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.
I love cats, I used to have one years ago, when she was 10 she was diagnosed as a diabetic and I had to give her a shot twice daily. I did this for four years until she got gall stones and I had to part with her, She had a good life, she would come travelling by rail to my trailer I had, had lots of human friends I still miss her,
But they do give you so much pleasure so go ahead when the time is right and get one.
I have two...Missy, who is mean as a snake and Inky, who is sweet as sugar.
What a mixture.
i just read the funniest story about a preacher
who tried to save a kitty from a young tree. he
pulled the branches down to reach it, but lost
his hold and the branch flung the kitty into the
next yard.
the child of that yard had been begging for a
kitty, and the mother said, "not unless one falls
from heaven!" :)
Ha! That is just too funny! I can see it.
Well, you'll have kitties guarding the yard and one guarding the house!
Hope you do get a kitten in May. Will it be an indoor only cat?
Most Definitely...Don't want no fleas a fleein' round inside this house. :)
Hi Ruby, I hope this message finds you doing well, I talked to Cheryl Roach the other day and she was asking about you. Whenever we lived in the house on Edgewood next to Hugh, we inherited a cat with the house that lived in the basement. It stayed the whole time we were there. After we moved from the house, the cat just disappeared.
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