Hey, Y'all,
Well, I got my report from the doctor's office today and as I thought, no gall stones. She said my sonogram was beautiful. So, every thing is copacetic and on track.
In case you are wondering about the picture....when Dubby retired from teaching, he took his money from the teacher's credit union and bought a ring for me. As you can see, it is a ruby surrounded by tiny diamonds and they are surrounded by marquis diamonds. I had put the ring away because it had gotten too small for my fingers because of weight gain over the years, and because my knuckles were swollen from arthritis. He bought the ring for me twenty-two years ago, and I decided about a month ago to have it resized and wear it on my left hand to replace my wedding rings. I picked it up today from the jeweler's shop. So, there you have it.
I went to Hobby Lobby today and found a couple of things to use decorating my house, of which I will post pictures when I get it all finished.
There is not a lot doing right now around here. I do need to study for my Bible Study group tomorrow, so this is going to be short. I have already prepared a sausage/egg casserole to take as one of the foods for our breakfast tomorrow. It is in the fridge waiting to be cooked in the morning. I also have a kitchen to clean up before bedtime tonight. Teresa is doing pretty well. She was able to work by computer from her bed today. That is true dedication, isn't it? She is a very conscientious person about doing what needs to be done.
Well, this is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you, my friends. More later. Bye for now.
well, i see you in diamonds and every
glittery stone amazable. do what you
do but as warrioirs of His throne.
P-leased about your results.
When my mother-in- law was alive she had a ruby and diamond ring but because of her kncukles being swollen she couldn't wear it ,she gave it to me and I wear it to this day.
Have a good day,
Lea, I wear the rings in memory of my Dubby, but my overall allegiance is to the Lord. It is nice to be able to wear the ruby ring again. Love, Ruby
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