Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Birthday, Austin!

Hey, Y'all,
Today is one of my great grandson's birthday and he is eight years old. Happy Birthday, you Sweetie Pie! You are greatly loved and I am so very proud to be called your "Grammy".

This afternoon, I got some exercise by cleaning out my little red car, and vacuuming it, along with washing its windows. So now, I have a clean car and tomorrow I am taking it to get it serviced. I have had quite an adventure finding a dealer to service it. The adventure is more in finding exactly where the dealership is, I found where I thought it was, and then wasn't sure where it was. This morning, I called the dealer again and found out that I was correct in the first place. You see, here in Texas they have access roads to the freeways. Many of the businesses are on the access roads. You have the East Freeways and the Northwest, and the West, etc. The addresses are very difficult to enter into Yahoo or Google, and also into GPS's that don't recognize freeway numbers. Man! Anyway, I will let you know tomorrow if I have any trouble finding my way. (Hopefully, I will get there and back. Ha haha)

Teresa is hoping to go back to work on Friday or at least to go in for awhile. I am sure they will be happy to see her back.

Well, Dallas and Arlington are doing it up brown for the Super Bowl festivities. Many people don't know that the stadium is actually in Arlington and not in Dallas. However, a lot of activity is taking place in Dallas and Fort Worth in preparation. I know the hotels and motels are going to be raking in the money. The prices for the tickets are OUT of Sight. Any body that can afford to go are certainly more solvent than I am. In fact, you couldn't pay me to go. I will probably watch part of it on tevee, though.

That is about it for today. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. bye for now. More later.


Arlee Bird said...

Those access frontage roads can be confusing and they sure mess with mapquest sometimes.

Did you want to do the Blogging from A to Z again this year?

Tossing It Out and the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2011

Lisa said...

You are doing more than I do Grammy.

And happy great grandmother day to you!

Margie's Musings said...

I remember visiting our son back in the 80's in Houston and thinking that you couldn't pay me to live there. The traffic was absolutely nuts!


Happy birthday to your great grandson. hope you all have a wonderful day.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Austin! I pray he had a wonderful day.
We used to live in Houston, so we know a bit about those feeder and access roads. Aren't ya glad for technology? In the old days, we'd have to rely on paper maps! lol

Grammy said...

Hey, Y'all,
Thanks for the well wishes, and yes, the roads do play havoc with mapquest and yahoo and all those finders of routes.
Lee, I would love to do the A to Z again this year. As you know, I do love challenges.