Hey, Y'all, Carol came over today and put up my eagles for me in the kitchen up in the spaces on either side of the Bible quotation from Isaiah, "They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength". The quote is placed in the space above the six windows in my kitchen.
The quote is in the vinyl letters that you can buy and put upon the walls.
She also put up the "Welcome to my kitchen" that is on the end of my kitchen cabinets above the clock.
We put together a shelf for my bathroom, but I didn't take a picture of it yet. Maybe later.
This evening I am going over to have supper with Carol and the grandkids. Last night I went over and had pizza with Carol and Daryl. Today, I have just kind of schlepped around the house. I did do some laundry this morning, and baked a cake for dessert for lunch tomorrow. I guess I should clean the kitchen before I go over there to Carol's.
Well, that is about it for today. Oh, yes, in April I will be taking part in the "A to Z Challenge" sponsored by Arlee Bird, where we use each letter of the alphabet as the beginning of each title (in order) during the 26 days (excluding Sundays) of April. It is always interesting to see what each person taking part comes up with as the subject of that day's blog.
This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Oh yes, today has been a beautiful warm sunny day. I did get a really good night's sleep last night, too. More later. Bye for now.
Hey, Y'all, Well, I did have a new adventure today, and it turned out just fine with no danger to me or others. I had almost finished my trip to the Toyota dealership to get my car serviced, and instead of turning into the access road, I accidentally passed it up and found myself crossing the bridge over the freeway. I realized that I had gone too far, and had to get into a left turn lane and when I got the green turn signal, I made a turn into the lane going the other direction and was able after crossing the bridge again, to turn into the access road. Then I drove to the dealership and had no problems finding it.
I met an interesting lady while I was sitting and waiting for my car. She was telling me about her aunt who has terminal cancer. The aunt is in the hospital, and her cancer is gall bladder cancer. The doctor told them that she only has a short time left to live, and they are planning on starting chemo if they can get her well enough to get out of bed. Even with the chemo, she won't have more than about 9 weeks to live. I just cannot imagine having the chemo, knowing how sick it makes a person, and knowing that it cannot give her longer than 9 weeks. But that is just how I feel.
Today is a beautiful day, and I was able to sweep out my garage. I can hardly wait till the cold weather is over. We are supposed to have another cold front moving in this weekend and first part of next week.
Dallas is ready for the people to come this way. In their convention center of 850,000 square feet, they have all kinds of exhibits and games and NFL experience for people to visit. Adults will pay $25 each to see it, children over 2 yrs old will be charged to pay $20, and children under 2 will get in free. I have been watching a lot of hype about it, and the prices of parking are phenomenal. You can park across the street for $999.00. Just parking a short distance away (a mile, I think) will cost you $500. You can ride a bus for 20.00. The tickets to the game are out of sight as well. I think on the upper deck is around $2000.00, if I am not mistaken. By the way, the game is in Arlington at the Rangers Football Stadium. Well, enough about that.
I assume tomorrow will be a quiet day, and I have no plans for anything momentous. Teresa is doing well, and plans to begin radiation therapy on February 14th, I believe.
Well, that is about it for today for me. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, Today is one of my great grandson's birthday and he is eight years old. Happy Birthday, you Sweetie Pie! You are greatly loved and I am so very proud to be called your "Grammy".
This afternoon, I got some exercise by cleaning out my little red car, and vacuuming it, along with washing its windows. So now, I have a clean car and tomorrow I am taking it to get it serviced. I have had quite an adventure finding a dealer to service it. The adventure is more in finding exactly where the dealership is, I found where I thought it was, and then wasn't sure where it was. This morning, I called the dealer again and found out that I was correct in the first place. You see, here in Texas they have access roads to the freeways. Many of the businesses are on the access roads. You have the East Freeways and the Northwest, and the West, etc. The addresses are very difficult to enter into Yahoo or Google, and also into GPS's that don't recognize freeway numbers. Man! Anyway, I will let you know tomorrow if I have any trouble finding my way. (Hopefully, I will get there and back. Ha haha)
Teresa is hoping to go back to work on Friday or at least to go in for awhile. I am sure they will be happy to see her back.
Well, Dallas and Arlington are doing it up brown for the Super Bowl festivities. Many people don't know that the stadium is actually in Arlington and not in Dallas. However, a lot of activity is taking place in Dallas and Fort Worth in preparation. I know the hotels and motels are going to be raking in the money. The prices for the tickets are OUT of Sight. Any body that can afford to go are certainly more solvent than I am. In fact, you couldn't pay me to go. I will probably watch part of it on tevee, though.
That is about it for today. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, Well, I got the pictures in reverse order, sorry....but these are pictures of my fireplace project, so you will have to go to the bottom and see the progress from bottom to top. As you can see, I had a space that I wanted to fill (i.e., the fireplace) since I didn't want to use the fireplace. I wanted it closed off, for several reasons. One, it will prevent drafts from coming into the living room; another reason, when I get a kitten, it will be safer for it.
Daryl got a couple of pieces of plywood for me to use; Carol loaned me some kilz and tan paint to do the background with; and I purchased stencils to do pictures on the plywood panels. After I stenciled the pictures onto the plywood panels, I let them dry, and then sprayed it with a fixative and Voila! they were completed. I placed them into the fireplace openings and as soon as they are fastened into place with metal screws, it will be complete.
I really enjoyed doing the stenciling, because I really love doing artwork with my hands and creating things.
Today has been very quiet, and I enjoy that as well. I rarely am lonely, (in fact, am quite happy in solitude) and I like to think. Working in solitude gives me a lot of time for reflection and thinking things through, solving problems, etc.
Tomorrow is my Bible Study class in James. Last week we studied about controlling the use of the tongue. Wow! I guess that is where a lot of us really miss the boat. I need to spend some time this evening finalizing my study in preparation for discussion tomorrow. I hope each of you will have a lovely evening, and a good night's sleep.
This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, Well, as you probably know, I have been talking for some time about getting a kitten. Several weeks ago, I looked out into my backyard and saw a mother cat with two kittens, and it looked like they went under the very low deck in my backyard. Guess what? This morning I looked out the kitchen window, and there they were! Same mama cat with same two kittens that looked almost mature. I am sure they are feral, and would never do to become indoor cats, but they are sure cute. The mama is kind of like a tabby cat, but the kittens are black with white bibs.
I may wait until May to get a kitten when the weather is warmer and will give me more time to get my house cat ready. I am planning on making a visit back to Tennessee around my birthday, and I think I should wait until I return from there to get a cat.
Well, I haven't done much today yet, haven't even had breakfast yet.
An hour or so later....I went into the kitchen and had breakfast. While I was in there, the cats came out again. I got a picture of mama cat, and almost got one of the kittens, which are almost as big as mama cat, but as soon as they heard the chirp of the bird (when I turn on my camera), they ran back under the deck. So the only picture I can post here is one of the mama cat. She is in the center of the picture.
Well, I need to get a little bit done around here today...dishes, towels and sheets laundered, clothes folded..you know the drill...maybe even clean the floors and bathrooms. Then I can have the weekend to rest...oops, it is the weekend, isn't it? Ha ha.
Haven't heard from Carol today, but I did have supper with her and Daryl last evening, and I will see them at church tomorrow, and probably have lunch with them tomorrow.
That is about it for today. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, Well, for several months I have been disposing of the worldly goods of one Walter Bailey Young, known to many of you as Dub or Dubby or my Sweetie Pie, since his passing almost six months ago. Yesterday, I donated what will most likely be the last of the things I will be giving away. I have kept a few mementos for myself or for others after I pass on myself. Every month I get a card in the mail asking for donations to either the National Kidney Foundation or to a Children's Home that is local. About three months ago, I donated a huge amount to the NKF, and yesterday it was just a few things to the children's home. They sell the items donated to thrift stores and then use the profits for the charity.
Yesterday's donation included a jacket, some of his caps, some of his neckties, and a television, along with a mirror that I had in our home in New Market, but have no place for here. I kept his walking cane, hoping someone would eventually want it.
Last evening, I watched the first episode of the new American Idol show, and as always, I enjoyed it tremendously. You know that people watch it to see the kooky kids that come to audition, and also we like to predict who will be a winner at the end of the season. Do any of you people out there in Blogland remember listening to the Major Bowes Amateur Hour on the radio back in the 1940's? Yeah, I know I am dating myself in asking this question. It was wonderful to hear these young people and some older people performing. We used to do a talent show at the school where I taught, and it brought great interest and a LOT of parents. We love to see and hear raw talent. I am not much of a singer, myself, but I do like to sing and hear others sing.
We have a cold front moving through here this morning, bringing a lot of wind, and cold temperatures. Thank goodness, I can stay in here today and not even worry about getting dressed. I may do some floor cleaning, (or not) and I may do some laundry (or not), but probably will. I haven't had breakfast yet, but it will be leftovers from yesterday morning's egg/sausage casserole that I took to Bible Study. It is yummy and if you remember I think I told you that I was using cinnamon bread as the bottom layer, and it worked out very well.
Well, that is about it for today. Please remember my good friend, Ina, who lives in Knoxville. She has just been diagnosed with ductal carcinoma, which is said to be the most common kind of breast cancer. She will be having surgery sometime in the next couple of weeks. Please pray for her recovery and for her to feel God's nearness. Thank you so very much. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, Well, I got my report from the doctor's office today and as I thought, no gall stones. She said my sonogram was beautiful. So, every thing is copacetic and on track.
In case you are wondering about the picture....when Dubby retired from teaching, he took his money from the teacher's credit union and bought a ring for me. As you can see, it is a ruby surrounded by tiny diamonds and they are surrounded by marquis diamonds. I had put the ring away because it had gotten too small for my fingers because of weight gain over the years, and because my knuckles were swollen from arthritis. He bought the ring for me twenty-two years ago, and I decided about a month ago to have it resized and wear it on my left hand to replace my wedding rings. I picked it up today from the jeweler's shop. So, there you have it.
I went to Hobby Lobby today and found a couple of things to use decorating my house, of which I will post pictures when I get it all finished.
There is not a lot doing right now around here. I do need to study for my Bible Study group tomorrow, so this is going to be short. I have already prepared a sausage/egg casserole to take as one of the foods for our breakfast tomorrow. It is in the fridge waiting to be cooked in the morning. I also have a kitchen to clean up before bedtime tonight. Teresa is doing pretty well. She was able to work by computer from her bed today. That is true dedication, isn't it? She is a very conscientious person about doing what needs to be done.
Well, this is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you, my friends. More later. Bye for now.
Hey, Y'all, Well, Saturday morning, I cooked a pound of sausage in preparation for the sausage/egg casserole that I was to prepare for a Sunday morning snack for our Sunday School class, and put it into the fridge until Saturday evening to be ready to use on Saturday evening. As you probably know, when you are going to prepare the sausage/egg casserole, you put it together and keep overnight, and then the next morning, you put it into a cold oven, turn on the oven and cook it for an hour, then serve it hot.
Saturday afternoon, after I had my lunch, I went on to the Artisan theater to see the live production of "Camelot". I had no idea that it was going to last four hours. It began at 3 p.m., and the intermission came at 5 p.m. I looked at my watch and decided I would just have to forgo the second half, because I don't know the route well enough to drive it after dark. Also, if I drive after dark, sometimes the automobile lights from other cars really bother my eyes. So I left and headed back home.
I stopped at Kroger's on the way home and picked up a cake mix to prepare as well. We usually have 3 class members to sign up to bring snacks. Unfortunately, only one signed up to bring snacks for today, so I filled in for the other two. I got home and had just mixed the cake and put it into the oven to bake, when the phone rang, and Carol wanted to know if I was okay and was I coming to supper. She was having the kids over (hers and Daryl's) along with two couples from the church. One of the couples are a missionary couple to England, and are home on furlough. Well, I just had to wait until the cake was almost done and then I turned off the oven to let it finish on its own without burning. Then I went to Carol's and had a late supper when the others had almost already finished. We all had dessert then, which was Chocolate Eclair Dessert. The guys were watching a football game and the younger people left and went home. That left the ladies playing a game of dominoes in the dining room. We all had a really great time.
It was around 9 p.m. when I got home, so I got out the pan to prepare the sausage/egg casserole to put into the fridge to set overnight. I broke up ten slices of potato bread and arranged them in the bottom of a 13x9 baking pan, topped them with the precooked sausage pieces, and took a package of sharp cheddar and spread it on top of the sausage and break crumbs. Unfortunately, I noticed a couple of pieces of the cheese had mold on them (the package had been opened a couple of weeks earlier and a portion of it used then. So, I began trying to pick all the pieces of shredded cheddar off the top of the sausage and bread crumbs. After about 30 minutes, I saw the futility of the efforts, and tossed the whole bunch of crumbs, sausage and cheese. I was glad that I had another pound of sausage to cook, and a couple of bags of fresh unopened cheese to use. I had already beaten the eggs and milk together.
I started over by cooking the sausage, draining it, and cooling it. I broke up ten more slices of potato bread, and arranged them in a baking pan, topped them with the sausage and new cheese, added the egg/milk mixture and covered it with a piece of aluminum foil. After placing it into the fridge, I got the bundt cake out of the pan and frosted it, and then put the cake into a container. It was after 11 p.m. when I finally got into bed. What should have taken only 15 minutes took much much longer. I baked the mixture this morning, and it was really good. The cake was delicious, as well. It was a spice cake.
Well, that is about it for today. Teresa tells me (via her blog) that this last treatment was really tough, but Tom is doing a good job of caretaking. She also says the prayers are working, so keep them coming, please! This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, Well, I had my sonogram this morning, and glad that is over with. :) Just to up date you on Teresa's condition. She posted that she had a rough time of the last treatment yesterday, and the roughest so far, I think. They must have put some extra punch into the last chemo, because she said that it really laid her lower than usual. I know that you all who read my posts are keeping her in your prayers and I thank you for that, as she does as well. :)
I finished my part of the fireplace project and now it will be up to Carol and Daryl to finish it when they can. I know it won't take long to do it.
Last evening, I had the pleasure of Skyping with my grandson, Daniel and his wife, Whitney, and their four children who all live in Illinois. Isn't technology marvelous? And yet, more marvelous is the fact that God controls the universe and has given mankind the knowledge to develop the technology that we use!!! He is so very Awesome! We think sometimes, "Boy, we are just such hot stuff"! and then we look up into the sky and see the stars and the vast heavens, and should realize how infinitesimal we are! I love the song, "Our God is an Awesome God!" don't you?
I had breakfast at Le Peep's this morning after my ordeal at the clinic, and enjoyed it thoroughly. My plans for this evening are to go to Carol and Daryl's for supper and a few games. (We love playing board games, dominoes, etc.). Tomorrow, I am going to be able to enjoy going to see Camelot at the Artisan Theater, not far from here, maybe 2 or 3 miles. The rain is supposed to hold off until tomorrow night, thank goodness.
Well, that is about it for today. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, I just wanted to tell you today about my grandson, Daniel J. Bennett, and the book he has written which is being published by Kregel Publications in March. It is called "A Passion for the Fatherless" and tells of adopting children. Daniel and Whitney adopted a child a few years ago, and she is the youngest of their four children. I have not read any of his book yet, but I am sure it is a wonderful and well-written book. Daniel is pastor of a Bethany Community Church in Illinois. As you may be able to tell, we are all very proud of our Daniel, and pleased with how God is using him to share His word with others.
It is still cold here and the day is passing quickly towards noon. There is not much shakin' around here, except me from the cold. ha ha.
There is nothing I need to go out for today, so I will just be at home. When I talked to the nurse yesterday about my test tomorrow and my preparations for it, she told me to eat a supper tonight that was dairy free and fat free. I asked what did that leave? She said maybe to eat a piece of grilled chicken and steamed veggies, and to drink nothing but clear liquids from six till midnight and nothing after midnight. I told her that was no fun. We laughed a lot, and of course, I had never talked to her before. She said she liked soup beans, and I said, I do too, and of course I could eat cornbread with that, but no butter. So, I may very well just have some white beans and cornbread for my supper. I don't have any chicken on hand, so beans and cornbread it is. With onions and relish, and hot sauce of course. Yum!
I will be eating breakfast after the test tomorrow, so I will probably stop at Le Peep's after the test. It is a real sacrifice, you know, but, ah well. I'll just suffer through it. Ha. I also hope to stop by and see my granddaughter, Julia, and the two little grands sometime before their naptime.
Well, that is about it for today. Haven't heard from Teresa yet but praying she will do well with her chemo infusion. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, It seems I can't escape medical tests...after the blood test I took last Friday, I got a call from the doctor's office with my blood test results, but I didn't take the call, because my cell phone was in a different room than I was when the call came in. So, today after the Bible study group met, I came home for awhile and then went to the doctor's office so I could get the report first hand.
They want me to get a sonogram of my bile duct to see if I have gall stones (because of my continued elevated liver enzymes). So I will be getting that test done on Friday, and I am sure it is just because of the liver abcesses that I had following the gall bladder surgery that I had a 18 months ago. One good result of the blood test shows that my LDL (bad cholesterol) is down to 97, which is really good, thanks to the Crestor that I have been taking for the past 30 days. On the down side, if one has liver disease, one should not take cholesterol medications.
Well, we shall just have to wait and see what develops, won't we?
The weather here is warming a little with each day, and I am glad to see that. I have almost completed the work on my fireplace project. I have yet to spray the fixative on it and then get it installed. This morning to go out into the cold, I layered four layers of clothing on my upper body, and boy, did it ever help. I didn't get cold except for my face.
Well, that is about it for today. Please remember Teresa in prayer over the next week, since she will be having her eighth chemo treatment tomorrow, followed by several days of "down time". Thank you ever so much. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, Last night it was really cold here, and thank goodness, I had covered the outdoor faucets with paper and plastic to keep the cold from freezing up the water pipes. The wind chill this morning was around 10 degrees, and it will not reach over 32 degrees outside today. Tonight it is supposed to be even colder. Enough said, since I am keeping warm. Fortunately, the weather each day is supposed to be getting warmer, so that by Friday it will get up into the 50's before the day is over.
Yesterday was an indoor day for me, as was today, but tomorrow I will be going to our Bible study in James again. We did not go during the month of December, so we have had about a six weeks break from it. I look forward to seeing the ladies in the Bible Study and discussing what we have learned from our in depth study of the wisdom of James.
I have continued working on my fireplace project and am very close to the completion of it. On Saturday I will be attending a performance of "Camelot" at the Artisan Theater in Hurst, thanks to the generous Christmas gift of a season pass to the Artisan from Carol and Daryl. I look forward to enjoying the music and acting of the play, and also interacting with other patrons there. I always meet such interesting people when I get out "amongst 'em" as Dubby used to say.
Well, that is about it for today. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. More later. Bye for now.
Well, In case you didn't know, it does snow some here, and did yesterday and some more last night. Admittedly, it was not a lot, but enough to say we had our first snow of the winter. Actually, more problems were caused by black ice and accidents in the Dallas multiplex this morning. Hopefully, the only thing that was lost was time, and I know a lot of that was lost.
Yesterday morning, I had not slept much the night before, so I stayed at home and watched church services at our church, online at www.countrysidebiblechurch.org/ at about 9:15 a.m., (in case you ever want to watch). Then spent the rest of the morning working on my fireplace project of which I will post pictures when I get it finished and installed. It will probably be sometime next week when I get it posted. :)
Then about 4 p.m., I let sleep take me back to bed for a four hour nap and at 8 p.m. I got up and had a toasted cheese sandwich accompanied by fresh strawberries. Played a little Farmville and went back to bed, and more or less slept till nearly 8 a.m. Needless to say, I feel somewhat rested this morning.
Today, I need to do a few catchup things like folding laundry, wrapping the outdoor water faucets so they don't freeze up in the below freezing temperatures, write some checks to pay bills, you know, all that fun stuff. Ha ha ha. Maybe work a little more on my fireplace project. Maybe even take a shower this afternoon after I do the outside stuff. Don't want to go outside with freshly washed skin and hair, and take cold.
Well, that is about it for right now. More later. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now.
Hey, Y'all, Well, today I had to go have bloodwork done at the family doctor's office, so after I had the bloodletting done, I left and went to the breakfast restaurant I like to frequent, called "LePeep".
While I was sitting there, waiting for my breakfast, a trio of older gentlemen came in and sat down at a table that I was facing, and it was not long until their conversation turned to the topic of Ted Williams, a homeless man who has hit the screens of the television because of his golden bass voice. He was discovered standing on a street corner in Columbus, Ohio, holding up a sign telling of his God-given voice that was once used on radio.
If you have not heard this story yet, then it must be that you are not a television viewer of the news. Anyway, Ted has been homeless for 20 years, living on the street due to addiction to alcohol and drug abuse. He has been clean for two years, but apparently estranged from his mother, Julia, for he had not even talked to her for a long time. She was giving him the big putdown on television this morning, and he was promising that he would not fall back into his old habits. Anyhow, there is a lot more to the story.
The gentlemen and I got into a discussion of the story and agreed that it was quite a story and hoping that the mama would support her son, because it was easy to see that he wants only to make her proud of him. Anyway, he has had a huge number of job offers, and has taken a job with Kraft, doing voice over commercials for them. I just hope he can stay clean and not be drawn into the world of drugs and alcohol again.
We chatted back and forth for a few minutes and then I stopped for a couple of minutes on my way to the cash register, and one of the guys complimented me on the dress I was wearing ( a Scottish looking print) and asked if I had made it, and I said, "Oh, no," but I do have Scottish ancestors". He said he did too, and his wife has a lot of back ground family history material. He is a MacLaughlin, and I said, "well, I am a Campbell, and we were the ones that lived in the highlands and were very fierce. We came down out of the highlands and attacked the clans in the lowlands." He said, "I know, even the English were afraid of the Campbells".
Anyway, that made for an interesting interlude in my morning. I wished them a good day and went on my way, to the Krogers' store which adjoins the restaurant, and found more interesting people to talk to while in there. Then on home, and now, I need to get my few groceries put away.
This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. More later. Bye for now.
Hey, Y'all, When I was drinking my coffee this morning, I noticed a few coffee grounds in the bottom of my cup and was reminded of happenings of long ago. I am sure my grandchildren have probably never heard this one. So, hang on kids, and listen up.:)
When I was just a child, as long as I can remember, my mom would "read the coffee grounds" in a cup. We all drank coffee, so we would ask her, "Mama, read my cup", after we had swished the few remaining coffee grounds left in the cup and drain it upside down in the saucer. She would take the cup and look inside, and tell us what she "saw" in the shapes made by the coffee grounds. I don't remember all the different things she would see and what they meant. I think this is probably something that she learned from her mother. Her mother was half Cherokee, and as you may know, the Cherokee are quite superstitious by nature. If I remember correctly, if she saw a cross, it could mean anything from a church to a death.
I know also that during the 1930's and 1940's, she consulted this quack called Moses Green, who prescribed treatments for her and the family. I reckon he "doctored" for little of nothing. He would read the tea leaves for her when she went to see him. She would bring home bottles of "Iron Medicine" when she came from seeing him. She was diagnosed with Pellegra during the 1940's and had to take steam baths at home, and I remember she was always just worn out when she had finished with them. I reckon he prescribed those, too. When I reflect on it, I know the iron medicine was probably prescribed because Pellegra is caused by a B3 deficiency. My brother, Hugh, when I was talking to him a few years ago about Old Mose, called him a quack.
Anyway, getting back to the cup reading, eventually my mother quit doing the cup reading for us, because she said too many things that she had seen in the cups had come true. The idea was that things seen in the cup predicted events to come. Well, now you know a little bit more about my family background, kids. Has anybody out there that reads these posts ever had any experiences in cup reading?
It is a cool, gloomy looking day here today, and I guess I will stop this and get about doing some stuff around here. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. More later. Bye for now.
Hey, Y'all, Yeah, I got another piece of technology and it is really keen...(Do people actually use that term much anymore?) Keen, that is. It means sharp for those of you younger people who may be reading this, and have never used the term before. It is a new mouse. Now, I have been using a wireless mouse for several years, but it did have a wire receptor that the mouse could "see" and respond to. This new mouse uses just a USB receptor stick with no wire. One less wire to use. Hoo-ha, as the Marines say.
So, yesterday, I needed some new toner for my printer and when I was purchasing said toner, I happened to see this little mouse and decided to get it. I brought it home, opened the package and wondered how difficult it would be to install it. Well, I put the batteries into the mouse, placed the USB stick into the proper slot (actually I put it into a USB hub,) and voila! the computer recognized the hardware and installed it without my having to do anything. Shazam! I now have a completely wireless mouse and it is a doozy. Keen!
I haven't done anything today except have breakfast and make my bed, and play on my computer with my new mousie...My friend, Dot, and I have been playing several rounds of Lexalous, long distance, and I am about through with that for today. Will play some more later on after my brain has time to rest from all the thinking. Lexalous is a facebook game that is very akin to Scrabble. Check it out sometime. It is great fun and a wonderful brainy thing to do to keep the old brain cells activated.
Speaking of technology, I Skyped with Allie for about an hour and a half on the weekend, and that was great fun. It is wonderful to be able to see who you are talking to long distance, isn't it? I always imagine people in their settings when I talk to them on the phone, but this is much better. :)
It is about lunch time so I guess I will quit for now and have some lunch. Gotta keep my strength up you know. ha. There are a few other things I need to do today as well. I need to do my Bible Study and get ready for the study in James that begins again on Wednesday. It started out in the low 30's degreewise this morning, and is supposed to make it to the upper 50's before the day is over. I can see the sun shining through the blinds, but I probably won't get dressed today. So much more comfortable in my housecoat and I have nowhere that I have to be today. So this is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, Happy New Year to all of you, my good friends and family members! I have entered another phase of modern technology - Skype - and am learning to use the visual phone on my computer. What a blast! I have just conducted a most interesting Happy New Year conversation with four of my great grandchildren and their Mama, who live in Illinois. It is wonderful, isn't it, what the satellites have brought about?
I did not see the New Year in last night, but they said they had. Their mom and dad had a New Year's Eve gathering with several people from their church (Dad is a pastor) and they were telling me that they got to use sparklers and didn't have to go to bed till one o-clock this morning.
I hit the hay about 11 p.m. and was asleep when the new year made its local appearance, but I did have my hot chocolate about 10 p.m. along with a few cheese-its. I had a late breakfast this morning, and will not be eating my black eyed peas until about 3 p.m. or so. I will be making some cornbread to go with them, along with some fried okra and a green salad. Probably will put some guacamole on my plate to go with all that. The black eye peas have jalapenos in them, so they should really spice up my afternoon. Ha.
Not much doing today, so I guess that about does it for today. Just wanted to wish all of you a lovely day and a Happy New Year to come. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. I know my sister-in-law, Imazo, won't see this, but Happy Birthday tomorrow, Imazo. I love you, sister. Bye for now. More later.
I am a Christian grandmother, (great grandma), and moved from a little town in East Tennessee to near Dallas,Texas, near our daughter, Carol. I was 81 in May and am so blessed to have 2 daughters, 2 sons-in-law, grandchildren and great grandchildren all over the U.S.
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