Sunday, October 3, 2010


Hey, Y'all,
Today I am remembering birthdays that Dubby and I celebrated together. You see, we would have been celebrating his 84th birthday anniversary today, had he still been here with us. However, he is celebrating being with Jesus right now, and I am so very happy for him and a little envious, too. I do miss him, however. He has been gone from me for about nine weeks now, but it seems sometimes to be longer, and sometimes not so very long.

I remember his 80th birthday, especially, just after we had moved back to Tennessee from Florida. I had arranged a surprise birthday party for him, and believe me, he really was surprised. I had invited our good friend, Jennifer Chang, to come as well as our nieces, friends from the church, brother Hugh and his wife, Imazo, Mae, and others. Jennifer came first, bringing him a gift, and he was surprised to see her. Imagine his surprise when all the 23 guests came! We had a large driveway and used it and the open garage to have our party. The weather was perfect, and it was such a wonderful memory for us.

We quite often went out to eat to celebrate our birthdays. (That is always a great way to celebrate, isn't it?) We often had a birthday supper with Gene and Judy Rogers and her mama, because Dub's and Gene's and Judy's birthdays all come in a row. Several years, we celebrated birthdays with Allie's daughter, Tanya, who also has a birthday today. Happy Birthday, Tawny! I'm thinking of you...

We ate out with my brother, Hugh and Imazo, and Mae, all celebrating our birthdays when they came, along with anniversaries. Memories are wonderful, sometimes bittersweet, but still wonderful to have.

Church this morning was very refreshing, as always, and it is wonderful to be able to go and worship our Lord and Savior with other believers.

I had lunch today at Carol and Daryl's home and enjoyed that time with them, and after computing for awhile, took a rest in my bed. I had the pleasure of talking with Allie after my rest was over. She was going to celebrate her daughter, Tanya's, birthday with them.

At the top is a picture that Dubby would have loved. He was a dyed-in-the-wool Vol Football fan. Pictured at top is Daryl with his granddaughter, and our great granddaughter, after having watched the football game between LSU and U of TN. that was on yesterday> Yeah, Tennessee lost but Daryl and grandchildren were there, cheering them on anyway. Dubby would have been right there helping them if he had been able.

Well, that is about it for today. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you. Bye for now. More later.


Mom B said...

How appropriate to have the Orange and White and a grandkid on a picture on Dub's Birthday! He and Daryl had fun doing the UT thing together over the years!

We miss him, too.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like lots of good times on birthdays in the past. It has been almost cold here today. Had to turn on the heat for the first time. Hope you have a good week.


Birthdays are bittersweet when a loved one passes on, I now call it a celebration of their life.
Hope you're doing well.

Take care.

Barbara said...

Yes,I remembered Dub's birthday.It comes in my birthday month.I have been reading Teresa blog faithfully,I do so enjoy it.I tryed to comment to her but couldn't get it to go through.Doing something wrong I guess.But I do say a prayer for her.Glad you are doing good out in Texas,Love Barbara

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Dub is probably having the best birthday ever right now - he no longer has to count the years!