Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow is Melting? I hope

Hey, Y'all,
The snow is beautiful, shining and sparkling, but it will soon be gone (I hope). Got places to go, people to see, things to do. It really is nice to be "snowed in" for awhile, and I guess if I didn't enjoy being around other people so much, I could become a recluse, maybe.

I never know when Gramps wakes up in the morning if I am going to be his sweetie, or his Aunt Lula. This morning, I was his aunt for quite a while. He finally looked at my hands and saw the rings I wear and he knew it was me. That is okay, though, since we are mostly platonic friends. That means really great friends.

Today has been very quiet, although I have spoken with both sisters-in-law here in TN and chatted online with sister-in-law, Darlene, who lives out in Phoenix. I have chatted online with daughter, Teresa, for a while. What would we do without computers? I guess we would use the phone and write snail mail more, eh?

Since we were snowed in, there was no church today, and I have done several loads of laundry, some of which Gramps helped me to fold and put away. There are still some drying in the dryer and also a bunch of them dried and ready to fold. The snow is melting and I guess I won't be going anywhere tomorrow, because there is really no need to.

For supper tomorrow, I am doing parmesan chicken wings, baked sweet potatoes, scalloped tomatoes, salad, and yeast rolls. I have just cut up the wings, and saved the wing tips for chicken soup another day. I put the other parts of the wings into a marinade of soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and a bit of hot sauce. They are marinading in the fridge until I prepare them for baking by dipping them into an egg/milk mixture, then rolling them in a bread crumb/parmesan cheese mixture which I will season with some spices. We still have some left over brownies from Friday evening, so that will be for dessert. What a really fun time we had with our neighbors on Friday evening! Since I couldn't have the movie I wanted, they had brought with them several dvd's, one of which was "The Ugly Dachshund" and we watched it, and laughed all the way through it.

Well, that is about it for today. Not much shaking going on around here, so this is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you. More later. Bye for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your meal sounds so good. The snow is not melting here yet. Guess because we are further north. It was -4 here yesterday morning and finally up to 30 today. Maybe, tomorrow ours will start melting. The sun is shining though and that is a help.