Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Early Morning Exercise

Hey, Y'all,
I know you must be wondering if I have begun a new exercise regime...no, not really. We have a dehumidifier in our basement that was put in by our friend and landlord, Mark (of Mark and Allie fame). He had asked our neighbor's son to keep a check on it so I would not have to travel down stairs to check on it and empty the bucket into which it drips. Mitch had checked on it before we had our rain, and so when he checked, it was just about bone dry.

Well, I had been thinking about it and decided to go down early this morning around 6 a.m.. Lo, and behold! The bucket was full and running over. I came back up and put on my boots and went back down with a stew pan, and emptied some of the water into another bucket that is close to the one that the water drips into. I then rolled the full bucket (it has wheels on it) over to the door and emptied the water into the sump pump that is installed in the concrete outside the basement door. I brought it back over and carried the other bucket that only had a little bit in it over and emptied it into the sump pump as well. Then I got the push broom and pushed some of the water that had flowed over into the floor over toward the door and pushed it on out the door. I put the roller bucket under the hose attached to the dehumidifier and turned the dehumidifier back on.

We had a really great time with our neighbors last night. After a supper of potato soup, cornbread, and key lime pie, we cleared the table, loaded the dishwasher and then played "Aggravation" a board game that we all like to play. After they left, Gramps and I watched some television and then off to bed.

Today, the home health care professionals came and evaluated the progress that Gramps has made over the past five months and determined that he is at a plateau right now. He is much better able to move around than he was to begin with. We have thoroughly enjoyed having them come into our home and interact with us. They have become like family members and I know we will miss having them come.

I told Gramps that no more will I be making him get up because they are coming, but I know he enjoyed the attention that he got from them. He was always saying things that they would chuckle about. He can be a charming fellow when he so chooses.

He was going through his suits from his closet today after they left, and trying some of them on. He is always thinking that something of his is missing and that someone has come in and taken things. Bless his heart. He quite often mistakes me for an aunt of his that he lived with some when he was young.

Well, supper is ready, and we need to eat. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you. Bye for now. More later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are going well for the two of you right now and you got your morning exercise emptying buckets! Your meal sounds so good.