Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Hey, y'all,
Well, I spent a pretty good night last night, (I think), but I'm a little off my feed today and yesterday. It must be the strong anti-biotic my doctor put me on Monday. There are also other effects from it as well. A good one seems to be the coughing is a little less intrusive on my body. I suppose, too, that having less appetite right now could be considered a good effect. However, at my age, eating is one of the great pleasures of life. Right? Do I get an "Amen" from anyone out there in Blogland? 

I am well on my way to finishing granddaughter, Amy's, quilt. I am in the process of attaching the four sections together. I will finish it after I get back from Knoxville next weekend. In case you are worried about my house while I am gone, my neighbor across the street, "Old Cooter", who is a dead shot with a shot gun, is watchin' it fer me. He won't let anybody bother it. He's there all day long, and promised me he'd keep an eye on it. Old Cooter knows everything goin' on in the neighborhood, don't cha' know?

I have a lot to accomplish today. Gotta go to the store, clean up my kitchen, do some filing, pack my suitcase, go to the doc's office for a follow up, straighten the living room a bit, visit with some of my great grands this afternoon, then to the church for supper and choir practice. After that, back home to watch "American Idol" and whatever else. Oh, yeah, somewhere in there, (this morning, I figure) a shower. Ha ha.
I usually throw my clothes into a suitcase the night before I travel. I really miss driving the distance, but am advised on all sides, "No, you don't want to be driving by yourself a long distance" so I reckon not. 

Thanks to Carol, the snake from yesterday morning around this time has been identified as a smooth earth snake. Whatever! All I know is that the only good snake is a dead snake, and that little feller sure met his demise within a couple of minutes from the time these old eyes set sight on him (or her).

Well, y'all, I gotta move these old bones and get 'em to shakin' around here. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.  


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a full day. Hopefully, no more snakes. Maybe your shot gun totin' friend can blast the next one for you lol. Enjoy your trip (and don't forget that shower).

Lisa said...

Firstly, belated as is, Congratulations on the Challenge. And have a good trip Grammy.

Grammy said...

Hey, Ocean Girl,
I tried to visit your blog, but saw it was an "Invited only" so it wouldn't permit me. :) And thanks for the congrats.

Brenda said...

Ya, glad that snake is dead! Enjoy your trip and be safe.

Misha Gerrick said...

I feel exactly the same as you about snakes. :-)

Bethie said...

Congratulations on finishing the challenge. I hope the snake didn't stress you too much. I have to admit, the king snake can stay at my house as long as he eats all the mice he can (I'm allergic to cats)

Blabbin' Grammy said...

Nah I killed that little sucker faster than you can say "Whoa! What was that?" :)

Patricia Stoltey said...

Amen to that comment about eating being one of the great pleasures in life. I'm doing my best to eat smaller helpings though. :D

Who's your favorite on American Idol, Ruby? I think one of the boys will win, but I'm not sure which one I like the best.