Sunday, August 7, 2011

Happy Birthday, Emily and Ben!

Hey, Y'all,
Well, last evening, we celebrated Ben and Emily's birthdays with hot dogs, with all the trimmings, followed by brownie squares with ice cream. Afterwards we played some chicken foot dominoes. Ben and Emily are husband and wife, Emily being Carol and Daryl's daughter. Ben joined our family last year, a welcome addition. Grandson, Matt and wife Amy were there to help celebrate. (Amy also joined the family last year and we are so glad she is with us, too).
Ben and Carol
Daryl and Amy
Matt said, "Yum!"
Birthday candles on brownies
Make a wish!
Whose turn is it?

We had a good service and Sunday School class today, and I just got back about half an hour ago. I will be going out for some lunch after while, and after lunch a trip to the library is in order, when it opens at 1:00 p.m. I may visit "The Colonel" for lunch today. It has been a while since I've had any of his good fried chicken. I only had cheerios for breakfast this morning about four hours ago, and I'm feeling a need for good food. 

We have another week of over 100 temps scheduled for the coming week. It is supposed to be 109 on Tuesday. I don't go out any more than is necessary. 

That is about it for today. I am planning on going to church this evening and then we will be having choir practice after church. Wednesday evening we are having a churchwide talent show with the young people and followed by home made ice cream. Sounds like we will have some fun, too. 
This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'd recommend more birthday parties with ice cream to keep cool!


What a wonderful heartwarming party it looked.
Loved the read.


Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Hot dogs ... my kinda food! We call 'em "tube steaks" at our house. It sounds like you had a perfect weekend.

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. I gave you an award on my blog today. It's a lovely butterfly. Please flip on over and pick it up.