Hey, Y'all,
Yes, life does go on, although right now it seems as if a vital part of me is missing. I am posting some pics of the family gathering.
Now for some identification of subjects in each picture:
1> The wonderful food that the ladies prepared for us to eat after the funeral and interment.
2> The three widows - Mae, me, Imazo (Mae is the widow of my oldest brother, Bill, and Imazo is the widow of my brother, Hugh)
3> back row: nephew Fred (Mae's son) and wife, Doris; Peggy (Jeff's wife) and Jeff, who is Imazo's youngest son; front row: Mae, me, Imazo.
4> My next door neighbors from New Market who are also family to me and Dub:
Mitchell, Olivia, Laurie, Scott, and Gabriel standing next to me.
5> Nieces: Terri, Pam, Donna, our daughters, Teresa and Carol.
Second tier, is niece Little Bonnie,
bottom tier: Big Bonnie (Dub's sister), and Me.
6. Daryl, Carol, me, Teresa, and Tom.
7. Carol, me, and Teresa
8. The Bennetts and me
9. Grandpa Daryl and four of his grands (a candid unplanned shot) Hannah, Austin, Ellie and Noah (Daniel and Whitney's four).
There were many other pictures I should have taken, but somehow, in the stress of the moments there, they didn't get taken. A special thank you to Karen Bible, who sang at the services, and to the ladies in the kitchen and good friends (Faye, Barbara, Darlene, Judy, - I know I'm forgetting someone - forgive me, please - ).
A special thank you, too, to those who spoke at the funeral services, and to all those who prayed and continue to pray for those of us left behind, grieving.
Thank you, friend Ina Ray, for getting me back to Texas safely. it was a wild ride here in the Dallas area, wasn't it?
Yesterday, Matthew, Ben (Emily's fiance), Amy (Matt's wife), Daryl, Carol, and I spent several hours cleaning the house that I just purchased to live in here in the Bedford area. The POD holding my household goods arrives tomorrow, and I begin living this part of my life. I am sure it holds many good things for me, and I look forward to getting to know my great grandchildren better, so that when I leave this mortal body, they will be able to say, "Oh, I remember my Grammy Ruby, and I loved her so much, and she loved the Lord just like my Gramps did."
This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.
Glad you had family around you!
Hello Ruby, yes life does go on and yes you will feel a piece of you is missing. I was looking at the pictures and was so pleased you had them all around.There are family resemblances that I could see.
Take care and God Bless.
dear grammy,
i am so sorry to hear about your sweet
husband's passing. i have been out of
touch and just found out.
my prayers are with you for His peace,
rest, and renewed joy!
What a blessing to have wonderful friends and family with you at this time. Good luck with your new home and your new life. Being close to the great grandchildren will be a good thing I am sure.
Tossing It Out
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