Hey, Y'all, Yeah, yesterday was a real party time, and I loved every minute of it, because as I said the other day, "All grandmothers of the bride or groom have to do is just show up." Yesterday morning began with Sunday School, followed by church. Then the ladies of our group went to lunch at a nearby Subway and had lots of fun just talking and eating. Those in my group were Carol (mother of the bride), Marlene (mother of the groom), Amy (wife of Matthew and sister in law of bride), Emily (the bride), and yours truly.
After we had finished lunch we hot-footed it (actually drove, that is) back to the church and I went into the fellowship hall where the bridal shower was being held, and the other four people in my group went into the new educational building of the church to take a tour of it. I went in to the fellowship hall and observed the preparations going on. I actually sat down and watched (no fool I, knowing I would be there for quite a while).
Pretty soon the room began to fill up with those coming to the shower, and also a lot of gifts were brought in and placed on and around the designated table. I took a few pictures of the refreshment table. Believe me, there was some really good and delicious stuff put out for us to partake of. There were four kinds of cake: carrot cake, chocolate cake, french vanilla cake, and red velvet cake. Those were each decorated with an inedible, but beautiful, artificial flower (which was removed of course before cutting). I later chose to eat a small piece of the chocolate and the carrot cake, along with ice cream (which you will note in a picture) above.
We must have had at least 40 ladies attending the shower along with a few children who had a wonderful time as well. Among the children were Julia and Andrew's two little girls, Brooke (5 months) and Alyssa, almost two. They are just absolutely adorable, judged so even by those not related to them. Emily's bridesmaids were in attendance, helping her open the gifts, and having a great deal of fun doing it. They helped her keep them in order. Their names are Jessica, Katie, Lauren,Amy, and Amy. You will hear more about them as the days go by, I think.
Amy's mom, Jan, has been taking pictures of Emily for her wedding, and is a wonderful photographer. We are trying to encourage her to turn professional photographer. Her pictures are amazing and well worth paying for. She sat at the same table as Carol and I, along with Marlene, and three of Carol's neighbors, Linda, Sydney, and Mary. What a fun time we had, laughing and joking. and of course, eating!
After Emily had opened her presents, the mothers (Carol and Marlene) each spoke to and of Emily concerning hers and Ben's courtship and upcoming marriage. It was quite beautiful and I regret it was not recorded. It would have been worthwhile for Ben and Emily to have had to replay in years to come.
Following the ending of the shower, we all adjourned, with Daryl, Ben, and Ben's dad, (Todd) joining Emily, Jessica, Katie, Lauren, Carol and me. We then proceeded to Ben's apartment where he and Emily will be living after the wedding. We carried the gifts up to the apartment (well, actually, they carried the gifts up. It was all I could do to climb the three long flights of stairs up to the apartment, thank you very much. We checked out the apartment (it is really a nice place for them to begin their married life) and of course, we oohed and aahed over it because it is ooh and ah worthy.
After we sat around a had a lot of fun talking on various subjects, we decided to hit the local pizza joint (Cici's) and had a really great supper, and following that we went back to our respective homes, and just kind of collapsed, I reckon. It was a full and busy day and a good thing I didn't have to do anything except show up. Ha ha. That's the way, I like it, Uh-huh, Uh-huh.
Pictures are: 1. Emily making bows for wedding reserved pews, being helped by fiance, Ben, and Marlene, her mother-in-law to be. 2. Matthew eating some ice cream, sitting by his recent bride, Amy, before shower. 3. Table with cakes, candles, and decorations. 4. Honoree with hostesses. 5. Jan, Amy, Marlene 6. Me, Carol, Emily - 3 generations 7. Alyssa with Aunt 8. Yum! 9. A toast! Me and Jan, getting ready to eat our ice cream. 10. Friends: Linda, Mary, Me, Jan 11. Emily between her two mothers
Well, folks, that is about it for today. I have more to do around here today, so I had better get moving. It is getting on into the afternoon. I stopped to have lunch with Carol while ago, and time is a'wastin' you know. This is Blabbin' Grammy about to sign off for today. Today is the 25th birthday of my grandson, Guillermo, who is known to those who are in his family as B.J. Happy birthday to you, my dear! I love you so very much! Wish I could see you and hug you and talk to you in person!
Well, folks, that is it. Much love to each of you, and bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, Here it is early on Sunday morning and it looks like a busy day coming up for the Bennett clan out here in Texas. First Sunday school and then church services, and out for a quick bite of lunch. Following that is a church wide shower for youngest child, Emily, who is getting married in 13 days, to a really nice young man named Ben. I got to meet his parents yesterday evening at Carol and Daryl's home, where they are staying until Monday. Todd and Marlene are lovely people and it is easy to see why Ben is such a sweetie. We all had supper there and then visited for awhile.
Also at the supper were Matt and Amy, Julia and the two babies, Brooke and Alyssa. Of course, Emily and Ben were there as well. We had a really fun time talking, visiting and playing with nearly two year old Alyssa.
When I arrived there yesterday evening, Marlene, Todd, and Ben were helping Emily make tulle and ribbon bows for the wedding to place on pews in the church sanctuary. What a lot of work goes into a wedding preparation! Emily has done the major portion of the work and I am sure it will be a beautiful occasion! I look forward to it. Fortunately, the only thing I will have to do is to show up for it, thank goodness! There are times that it is really wonderful being of an age that you can escape work. Ha.
Well, there is not a lot to tell right now, because things are kind of moving along at a slow pace for me. I am in the midst of learning Farmville, but I will continue reading, commenting and posting my blog. I so much appreciate all the support I have gotten and am getting from my fellow readers and bloggers. Teresa will begin her chemotherapy on Friday after having a port put in for it on Wednesday. Please continue to lift her and Tom up in prayer through the coming weeks and months. I know it is going to be difficult for them and for those of us who love them.
This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. More later. Much love to each of you, my good friends. Bye for now.
Hey, Y'all, Yeah, I reckon maybe a lot of people consider Friday to be one of the best days of the week and I wouldn't argue with that one, but...aren't all days supposed to be whatever you make of them? They can begin on a sour note (if one has overslept and needs to be up and about early) or a sweet note..just waking up and hearing the birds singing outside the window, and thank the Lord for another day to see the sunrise. I reckon it all depends on outlook, doesn't it?
Today, I am hoping to tackle unpacking a bunch of photos and pictures to hang on the walls of my new home and make it look like my place instead of a dwelling that I just moved into. You see, I have these clips on wires that the last tenant left hanging on the living room wall to hang pictures on, so that the wall doesn't get holes in it from the way I have hung pictures for years. If I decide, though, that I want to hang them the way I always have, they are my walls, and I can make holes if I want to. So there!
I have lately begun playing facebook's Farmville game. I am new at it, but if there are any of you out there who play it, won't you be my neighbor? I really need neighbors because you can do so much better at it if you have lots of neighbors to send gifts to, to help, and to get help from. My farm looks a little scraggly right now, and I have been playing nearly a week.
It is breakfast time and I have already harvested crops and boy, am I hungry! Ha. I guess I had better quit right now and make my breakfast...after all, it is the most important (and first) meal of the day. I need to keep my girlish figure. A Real ha ha here.
I'll be back to finish this later. Well, I am back now. Had my breakfast, shower and am dressed for the day. The kitchen clean-up can wait til later on.
Carol called and I will be having lunch out with her today. I have picked up a few Farmville friends who will be my neighbors. Yeah! If I am going to play a game, I want to have all the friends to play with that I can. Looking forward to really "getting into the game" you know.
Do you play dominoes? It is such fun to play and a great way to get to know people. I am hoping to maybe get some neighbors here where I live to play some evenings. Well, that is about it for today. Emily is being given a bridal shower at the church this weekend, and I look forward to that. Ben's parents are coming in for the shower and I anticipate meeting them as well. They are staying with Carol and Daryl while they are here. We are eating at Carol's tonight (are you saying something right now about how much we all love to get together to eat and play games? Well, you hit it right on the button! It is true).
Well, I need to stop this right now and get on with the day's stuff. I'll check in on my farm and then get to work in the house. Much love to each of you. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. More later. Bye for now.
Hey, Y'all, Well, this is the last part of the tribute to my sweetie, Walter, by our niece, Donna, which she so beautifully gave at his funeral service.
WALTER BAILEY YOUNG - "THE BROTHER": Never did I give the importance of siblings in your life until after the death of my daddy, when my daughter, Tami, said to me, "Mom, I know you, Pam, Terri, and Bonnie are hurting, but you know who I feel the most sorrow for...his brothers and sisters." I must have had a 'What'? look on my face, because without saying anything else, she said, "Think about it..your siblings are with you all throughout your life." The more I thought about it, the more I knew she was right. I always knew that someday I would have to say goodbye to my mom and dad, but saying goodbye to my sisters just isn't in the plan. It's a given that if it's as simple as agreeing on how to roast a hot dog, Pam, Terri, Bonnie and I would never agree on the way it should be roasted...but I would be devastated if something ever happened to any of them. Big Bonnie, I know today your heart is breaking, you and Dubby shared a bond that was different from most siblings. It was just the two of you for many years. You both depended on and needed support from each other during the care-taking of your mother and resuming a normal life after she was gone. You shared the same home until Dubby married...but continued to share the need to take care of each other even after he left home. You asked me several years ago to promise that Dubby would be taken care of if something were ever to happen to you. I made that same promise to him the night before he left for Texas, to take care of you. He knew he was preparing for the journey home, and he wanted to be sure his baby sister would be okay. I know there's a void in your heart today...you're the last of your family. I can only imagine the emotion you're feeling today, but you have those memories that will always be stored in your heart...and only you can feel that special bond and love that you and Dubby had for each other. You'll be okay, because you have the satisfaction of knowing he is in a better place.
Walter Bailey Young: A millionaire? by no means, but by far - richer than anything money could ever buy. A movie star? don't think so..but you can bet your dollar there will be many stars in his crown. A politician? no, but definitely an Ambassador for his Lord. A famous author? not hardly...but his name rates high on the list in the Book of Life.
When I went to pick up my Uncle Dubby to go to the airport fro his trip to Texas, I knew this was the beginning of his preparation for his journey Home. As the male nurse, Rick, helped him get into the car, he looked at my uncle with tears in his eyes and said, "Walter, I wish all my patients were like you." I knew my uncle had impacted his life the same way he impacted ours. The drive to Knoxville was unlike any I had ever taken. I reached over and held the hand of a man I loved dearly and remembered all those times that I would always cherish. As we said our goodbyes, and they pushed him away, I knew in my heart that his time was near.
Uncle Dubby, Tuesday, July 27, 2010 was your day...my nephew, Josh, has rolled out the red carpet...you will be greeted by the saints gone before you, your friends and family waiting your arrival. Uncle Howard (who taught woodworking for many years) has carved you a special chair. Daddy had prepared your favorite fish. Momma had the table filled with coconut pie, chess pie, banana pudding. Your mom and dad with outstretched arms were patiently waiting for the arrival of their son...but most important, Jesus, our Lord was standing at the throne, waiting to embrace you in his arms, saying, "Walter, job well done!"
(Well, folks that is the tribute paid to my Dubby by our niece, Donna, daughter of his sister, Johnnie and her husband, Ross. Thank you so very much, Donna, for those touching words. I appreciate you more than you can ever know for the beautiful thoughts and sentiments you expressed so eloquently.)
I got some things I need to do today, and I reckon I need to get in yonder and get my breakfast fixed and start the day. I hope to get the rest of the unpacking done this week. Carol and Daryl are feeling better after the episode of illness that they experienced. It left them rather weak.
I don't think I will be going out today anywhere, so I am just going to run around here in my gown and housecoat. (Someplace they call housecoats wrappers, hmmm.) This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you. Bye for now. Love to you all.
Hey, Y'all, As promised yesterday, here is Part Two of the Tribute to Walter Bailey Young, my long time partner and sweetie.
WALTER BAILEY YOUNG - "THE UNCLE" If I asked my grand-daughters today to tell me some of their memories of their Uncle Todd...my guess would be..."He took me to Disney World" or "He bought me the latest IPOD", or "He opened me a checking account," ...my memories of my Uncle Dubby aren't even in the same ballpark. Our trips would be walking down to Mossy Creek Hollow to pick blackberries or shoot a gun, or just go for a walk around Carson-Newman campus. He would take me to the football games and I will never forget one game that Jefferson City High played Tennessee School for the Deaf. That was an experience! One time he took me fishing, but because I was blessed with the gift of gab, that was my one and only fishing trip. My sisters and I agree that our favorite time spent with Dubby was when we would go to Virginia Beach to visit Uncle Howard and Aunt Ruth, and our cousins, Robert and Karen. Visualize this: 3 adults...3-4 kids in a 51 Ford...no air conditioning...in July...and a barf bag for my sister Pam. It was left up to my Uncle Dubby to keep us kids from killing each other, and he did a good job of it. He kept us entertained by playing games like counting cows, going on vacation and I'm going to take something that begins with the letter a, b, c, etc.; or I see something that you don't see and it is the color (red, blue, etc.) Notice how he kept the games educational. Needless to say, those trips will remain embedded in our hearts forever.
I loved spending weekends with Uncle Dubby because he would always fix me sandwiches make with that sandwich spread and cherry kool-aid and I would get to stay up late with him to watch the Tonight Show. I would awaken the next morning to the sound of elevator music and the smell of JFG coffee and fried bacon. If it was a Saturday that he had to work, I would sometimes walk to work with him and return back in the afternoon hoping to find him waiting for me with a box of Hershey bars or life savers from the wholesale store. On Sunday mornings, my Uncle Dubby, my Aunt Bonnie and I, along with the pet dog, Bogey, would walk to church.
One of my best memories was when Dubby got a new tape recorder, and we spent the afternoon writing plays and doing the sound effects. I can hear the scrunching of newspaper making the sound of crackling fire, and our knuckles tapping on a book to sound like horses running as if it were yesterday. However, I also remember the one and only time he spanked me. The walkway from the street to the porch at my grandmother's house was composed of those small pea gravels. My cousin, Robert, and I were throwing those pea gravels up over our heads after being told many times not to. For some strange reason, I got spanked and Robert didn't. Today I still wonder if that spanking was my first introduction of male chauvinism or was he trying to get a point across to Robert? But, like the student that got spanked, I deserved it.
I know I speak for Pam, Terri, Bonnie and myself that our Uncle Dubby was the best!! He was our mentor, he was the kindest, most loving man you would ever meet. He always had our best interest at heart; he encouraged us to follow our dreams and to be a leader, not a follower; to get an education; but most of all - to stand strong in our Christian faith. Like Pam told me, "When he said he loved you, he loved you..and you knew he meant it." We have always felt it a privilege and an honor to call him our Uncle.
WALTER BAILEY YOUNG - "THE HUSBAND, THE FATHER" My Uncle Dubby remained a bachelor for more than half his life. I know very little about his and Ruby's courtship, but I can just about guarantee you those baby blue eyes had something to do with stealing his heart. Dubby and Ruby were married in 1976 and by this time I was already married and started a family. At this stage of my life just the only time I spent with my Uncle Dubby was at family get-togethers and Christmas. He had now taken on the role of not only a husband but a father to Ruby's daughters, Carol and Teresa. I never recall a time that he didn't speak of Carol and Teresa as his daughters, nor did he ever refer to the grandchildren as Ruby's grandchildren, but instead his or theirs. He would always keep you updated of the activities everyone was involved in. There were always those moments of grandparents' bragging rights. He was always proud of your accomplishments, Carol, Teresa..He may not have been your biological father, but that was never an issue with the way he loved you.
Ruby, I don't have to stand before you and tell you that he adored you. You were the love of his life. A few weeks ago when my Uncle Dubby had to go to the hospital while still in Jefferson City. L.D. and I took my Aunt Bonnie to visit with him. Ruby and I went out to get a bite to eat and L.D. and Big Bonnie stayed with Dubby. L.D. told me later that every time Ruby's name was mentioned, Dubby's eyes would light up and a big smile would spread across his face...and when she walked back into the room, his entire body glowed. His whole life revolved around you, Ruby. You introduced him to a world he never knew. My mom would always say, "Dubby has done things and been places that he never wouold have seen or done if not for Ruby. She has made him happy." And Ruby, he carried that love and happiness with him to his death. It's only fair to say you loved him back. We would like to say, "Thank you for all that you did for him...for the adventure you took him on...for the passion you showed him...but most of all for the care you gave him and the patience you showed him until death did you part, we will always be grateful."
(Tomorrow the last part of this Tribute to Uncle Dubby by Niece Donna Word).
If you all think this has been an easy thing to type, think again..It is quite difficult to type when your nose is running, and your heart is breaking again in a feeling of loss. Yet I am quite happy for him and the fact that he is no longer in any kind of pain, but is rejoicing with family and friends that have gone on before him.
I had a pleasant surprise this morning when I was sitting at the kitchen table in my night gown, reading a Betty Neels book. I had finished breakfast, and taken my morning medications (arghh) and drinking the last of my cup of hot tea (which by that time was cold). My phone rang, and it was granddaughter Julia on the line asking if I would like to go with her and the two girls to take some stuff to the church for a Sunday school teachers' training session being held on Saturday. She thought she might need some help with watching the girls while she carried the materials in to the kitchen there. So I said, "sure, I'd love to". I hurried around and got my shower, got dressed and was waiting when she picked me up around 10:30. The two girls are adorable, of course. Brooke is about 5 months old and Alyssa is almost 2 years old. I love being able to spend time with Julia and her and Andrew's children.
We went to the church and I waited in the car until she got the stuff carried up to the door, and then she got out the two children and I accompanied them up to the church and the youth pastor helped carry the stuff into the kitchen and while they talked, I kept the baby occupied and Alyssa kept herself occupied with looking at stuff and naming colors that she saw.
After that we left and stopped by Chick-fil-a and picked up some lunch and brought it back here to my house and ate it. I took them through the house so Julia could see what I have accomplished so far, and then they gave hugs and kisses and left. I really am thankful that Julia called and that we had such a great outing!
Yesterday, I baked a huge pan of fudgy brownies with walnuts, and after they cooled, I cut them and packaged them into three packages of aluminum foil. This afternoon, I took those three packages and three leaflets that we had printed up for Dubby's funeral service and carried them to Bishop Davies Nursing Home where Dubby was housed until he passed away a month ago. I wanted to tell them how much appreciated they are because of the wonderful care they gave to him in his last three weeks of life. They were very appreciative of my gift to them.
I did some more cutting up of boxes early this morning (about 6:30 to 7:30) and then had my breakfast.
Days seem to be going rather smoothly now, and I am getting into a routine. I will soon have most of the house put to rights, maybe another week. Then I will begin sewing again. That is about it for today. I will finish the tribute tomorrow. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you, my friends. More later. Bye for now.
Hey, Y'all, Following is a tribute paid to my sweet Dubby by one of his nieces, Donna. If you could see me as I enter this posting, you would see the tears rolling down my cheeks, because it is so very touching. She gave this tribute at his services nearly a month ago. I know it will give you a clearer picture of him as an individual than anything I could have ever written.
Part One: For those of you from this area, you may be familiar with a local T.V. Logo, "Straight from the Heart". Today, I stand before you to give tribute to my Uncle Dubby...straight from the heart.
Walter Bailey Young was born to Amanda and John Young on October 3, 1926 in Honaker, Virginia. Shortly after the birth of my Uncle Dubby, my grandparents moved their family to Jefferson City, where my grandfather went to work in the local zinc mines. My grandfather died from injuries sustained in a mining accident. My Uncle Dubby was only three. My grandmother was left to rear four small children: my Uncle Howard; my mother, Johnnie; my Uncle Dubby; and my Aunt Bonnie, who was only 3 months old.
With strength from the Lord, and a small settlement from the mines, my grandmother built a 2-bedroom home in Jefferson City. She and her four young children moved into that home where she resided until her death. The house is still standing in most of its original state.
WALTER BAILEY YOUNG - "THE MAN" ...Walter Bailey Young...What a strong, powerful name...a name that one would expect to be that of a CEO or a multi-million dollar businessman, a well-known movie star, strong politician, or a famous author. Nope, not my Uncle Dubby...he grew up very poor. The money that my grandmother received was from welfare, which during the depression didn't go very far, especially when trying to provide for four growing children. Based on stories I've heard, my Uncle Dubby and his siblings never focused on what they didn't have, but instead on what they did have. Values instilled in them by a loving mother...pride, self-esteem, motivation, encouragement, but most of all - love. Not only the love for each other, but a love for their Lord.
I remember my Uncle Dubby working at Hull Wholesale store to help contribute to the finances of caring for the home and my sick grandmother. He and my Aunt Bonnie were the only two living at home during this time and she had also quit her job to take care of my grandmother. My Uncle Dubby walked to work everyday and as a matter of fact, he walked everywhere or called a cab. He was probably in his late 30's or early 40's before he ever owned or drove a car. After the death of my grandmother, he went to Carson-Newman College, where he earned his degree in education. I will never forget the story my mom told about how handsome he looked on graduation day and commented on his new shoes and how shiny they looked. At that time, he proceeded to lift his foot. To her surprise there was cardboard that he had used to cover a hole in the bottom of his shoe.
After graduation, he started teaching at Rush Strong School where he remained until retirement. My past job allowed me to come in contact with people from surrounding counties, and if any of those people were from Strawberry Plains (where he taught), I would always ask if they had or did attend Rush Strong School and if they did,did they know my Uncle Dubby. Eyebrows would rise and they would ask, "Mr. Young was your Uncle?" Then they would proceed to tell me of experiences of having him as a teacher. I always got the impression that they entered his classroom with dreaded fear, but left his classroom with utmost respect for their teacher, "Mr. Young." One day a sales rep told me that my Uncle Dubby was the only teacher that he ever got a spanking from, and with a grin on his face, he said, "I deserved it."
WALTER BAILEY YOUNG - "MAN OF GOD" As long as I can remember, my Uncle Dubby was in church. He belonged to the First Presbyterian Church in Jefferson City, and every Sunday, rain or shine, he would walk to church and always looked like a Philadelphia lawyer. My Uncle Dubby loved his God, and that love projected to everyone he knew. He always encouraged my sisters and me as to the importance of God's love, and how important it was for us to love God back. A person once made a comment to me in reference to how my Uncle Dubby would always preach religion every time he was around him. I politely told him that he's not preaching, he's just trying to save your soul from Hell. I just hope he chose to listen. My Uncle Dubby always made it a point to ask "Are you going to church?" It was important to him that everyone hear the word of God and accept Jesus as their Savior. During his life, he read the Bible from cover to cover several times, and you would be kidding yourself if you tried to take him on in a religious discussion, because you would not win. He knew his scripture and he would tell you so. When it came to his love for God, he talked the talk and walked the walk. His greatest desire in life was for those he loved to go to heaven.
(Ruby's note: Tomorrow Part 2).
This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you. More later. Bye for now.
Hey, Y'all, It takes some getting used to, getting around my new world, but I am making it okay. Last Sunday morning, Daryl took Carol and me to church the "back way" which is to say not by freeway like they usually go because I don't really feel comfortable going that way.
On Thursday evening, Julia brought Alyssa, her and Andrew's 2 year old daughter, over to Carol's to be taken care of by the grandparents, while she went to a Bible study at a friend's house. Well, Alyssa was just getting over a virus that her whole family had had. Lots of smooching went on at Carol's house on Thursday evening (like you would expect with a two year old grandchild) and on Friday evening, Carol and Daryl came to supper at my house. I served pizza made by yours truly, along with green beans, and storebought key lime pie.
We played dominoes and had a great time. Next morning, about 4 a.m. she and Daryl woke up sick as the proverbial dogs, and later that morning she texted me and was asking if I was feeling okay. I said, sure, why? Then she proceeded to tell me she and Daryl were sick and asked me questions about where the green beans came from, and was the can dented, and maybe I shouldn't eat any of the left overs.
I told her I wasn't afraid of eating any of the left overs, and I was sure that it was all okay to eat. (She is a health inspector and can be dubious of any food that anyone prepares). I think she now realizes that it was Alyssa's germs that got her and Daryl and not my cooking. Anyway, I hope they won't be afraid to come back and eat at "mom's house" again. I have never yet made anybody sick in all my born days. Ha. Bless their hearts they don't need to be sick, especially because of Daryl's cancer, he has a low immune system and viruses are bad for both of them.
Anyway. because they were both under the weather today (hmmm, that is a strange saying, isn't it?) I decided to try the drive myself to church and made it okay, and then decided, on my way home, to stop off at the Verizon store to upgrade my cell phone, because the one I had was a used phone given to me by Mark and Allie and I was having trouble with the little ball in it (Blackberry Curve I). Anyway, I had been in that area a couple of weeks ago, and decided to stop in and upgrade.
After spending about an hour in there, I stopped at Mooyah's and had a burger and fries along with a chocolate shake. The guys cooking were not busy, so when they were fixing my burger, I saw one of them making a mustard happy face on the inside of my hamburger bun. I smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up sign, and he smiled back real big, and gave me a LOT of fries. Isn't it funny how when you smile at someone, they can't help smiling back? I just love it! I have fun wherever I go, you know? It makes for a better day for everyone, I think.
I went on out back on the road and went under the freeway to the other side and went to Target (it is right across the road from my new bank), and did some shopping there. It was four o'clock in the afternoon before I got back home, but I felt like it had been a successful day, and a really fun day. Tomorrow is plenty of time to get back to unpacking and into the week of work. Today is just for relaxing. I really enjoyed getting to church this morning. It started the day off perfectly.
I chatted online with my daughter, Teresa, for a couple of hours after I got home, and that is always enjoyable. I am feeling so much at home here now, that I can sometimes lose track of where I really am. Especially when I am at my computer or reading, I can be anywhere, because I am encapsulated in a small area and in my mind. Does that make sense to you?
Well, it is time to close out for now. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends. More later. Bye for now.
Hey, Y'all, Yeah, I know you are not supposed to announce to the world that you live alone, but anyone that reads my blog already knows that! Some day I may get a dog like the one my grandson, Andrew, and his family have. That would be okay, I reckon.
Since I do live alone now, I have been looking at ways that it is a blessing and I have found a few. For one thing, I can get up at any time of night and it doesn't bother anyone. If I want to get up at 2 a.m. and wander through the house putting things to right or in their place, or unpacking boxes that yet have to be emptied and put away, I can do that. If I want to take a nap at 2 in the afternoon, I am not on any kind of schedule where I have to be somewhere, and can do that.
There is the fact, too, that it doesn't take much to feed me, and as much as I miss cooking a big meal, I can be content eating alone and reading a book. I am blessed in the fact that now I can have a daughter come and have lunch with me when she is working in the area, and that is really great. I have never (since she has married and left home) had that opportunity. It is wonderful.
Speaking of putting things away, it is difficult to find places to put everything, and some places are not quite ready to put items. I still have several things to put together (i.e. the baker's rack, the park bench, the glass topped table) which are just sitting and waiting for me to pick up the screw driver and Allen wrench, and I will eventually get to doing that. I still have a whatnot shelf to put on the wall in the living room, cause I have a lot of little whatnots to put on it. I have to decide first where to put it.
Yesterday, I put 7 garbage bags of cardboard and other stuff out to be picked up by the trash collectors. It had taken me a week or more to get that much collected and I will have more next Monday. Fortunately, the collectors come twice a week. Well, I have been up since around two thirty this morning and it is almost 5 a.m., and I think I will go back to bed for awhile and see if I can get about 40 more winks. See you later.
This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends. Bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, Just wanted to let you know that I am now officially "online" in my own little house and ready to get on with stuff. Jimmy, the fellow who came to install my internet and television, has just finished up and I just finished my dishes, and my morning medications, and I couldn't wait to sit down at my desk and get bizzy. Ha.
I'm sitting here just looking at all the things that have to be done, but you know, they can wait! I wanted to let you all know about my daughter, Teresa, who has just recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, and was not going to tell me until after Dub had been laid to rest, thinking to spare me. She has had some surgery to remove the infected tissues, and is healing from that surgery (which she had the week following her dad's interment), and will likely soon be doing chemotherapy and radiation treatments. I know it is okay to tell you, since she had posted it on facebook, and to ask for your prayers in her behalf, and for her husband, and son, and stepdaughters. Her sister and I could use some of them too. I thank you all so very much for the prayers that are already and have gone up on our behalf. They mean so very much and give us wonderful support.
Tomorrow, the people are coming to pick up the clothing that belonged to Dub. They are connected with the Kidney Foundation, and I know he would be glad to know that his clothing is going to help others.
After I get everything in place the way I want it here, I will do a walk through video to show you, maybe.
Yesterday, I had quite an experience, trying to get my password set up for my bank account. I had opened my new bank account just before I went back home to pack up my house and get moved out here. I was supposed to access it online within a two week period. Well, as you may know, Dub passed away soon after and the bank account online accession was the last thing on my mind, so when I tried to access it at Carol's the other day, it wouldn't accept my password. Just as she was calling the bank, she got an important call, and couldn't finish my password business.
So I decided to go to the bank and get it there. Screwing my courage into place, I made the trip to the bank in that unfamiliar territory, and found out that my new password would only work thirty minutes after receiving it. The fellow who gave it to me, let me use his computer to enter it. Thank goodness! Well, to add to the mix, I wanted to get to Carol's in a hurry and double check to see if it actually worked.
I hurried to get to Carol's and got stuck in traffic behind construction that had not been there the last time I was that way, but still had time left on my thirty minute deadline. Well, I got to Carol's house and rushed in to use her laptop. Shazam! It wasn't there...I looked all around the house, and then realized that she was teaching a food-handling course that day (using power point) and she had it with her. Ha! Big joke on me. Anyway, that was fine, because when I tried to access it while ago, I had no problem. Yes! (arm bent in a success move).
Speaking of road construction, it seems that quite a bit is going on here in town, and you can hardly drive down any street (well, maybe not that bad) without seeing some construction going on. Some of it is close to schools, so may be they are fixing some things that they have had all summer to do, but just now getting a round tuit. Ha.
Thanks to all of you who have stuck to reading my posts over these past few months and giving encouragement. I will soon be back to catching up on reading yours. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. More later. Bye for now.
Hey,Y'all, Yesterday, I was privileged to be able to go to church once again. It was really great to be among the members at Countryside Bible Church and feel the welcome that I received there. Carol and Daryl took me by a way that I can drive myself and not have to travel by freeway. Back roads are just fine by me. Ha.
After the services were over, we went back to Carol's home and had a quick lunch, then it was out again for Carol and me to a bridal shower being held in Emily's honor over in Arlington at the home of one of Emily's friends. There were about 20 or more in attendance, and it was a lovely occasion.
This morning, I decided to tackle the cardboard boxes that were stored in the garage, and put them a little more neatly in one place. I realized that I needed to cut up those that were not entire boxes, and so I proceeded to do that. I went out about 9 a.m. and began cutting and putting pieces of cardboard into the several plastic bags that were out there, and partially filled. Somehow, i had started filling several different ones. By 11:30, I had just about finished the job, and called Carol to see if she would like to stop by for lunch of sandwiches and she pulled up into the driveway about ten minutes later.
We went in and had a quick lunch and she had to leave and go back to work. It is really nice to be able to spend some time with her and I look forward to more days such as this one.
I am sleeping better now, and am getting into a natural daily rhythm of living, I think. Right now, i am at Carol's using her laptop, because i have to wait until Wednesday to get my internet installed at home. I will be here only long enough to do this posting and then I need to get back home for awhile. I have been invited over for pizza tonight, but I feel the need to get back home for a brief nap. Ha.
Well, that is about it for right now. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and supporters. Bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, Well, now, y'all - I went yesterday to apply for my Texas tags and registration of my title. What an experience! Now, I knew where I had to go, basically, to apply. I knew it was the building that Carol parked near to pick up her County car for her job of health inspector, because I had taken her there during the days that Dub was still living, and we had just brought him here to the Nursing home. If you recall, I took her each morning to pick up her car, so that I could use hers to drive around in during the day.
I got to the parking lot okay, parked my car and went to the building that I thought she meant was the courthouse building. It turned out not to be the exact one I needed. A friendly fellow walking around in the parking lot, directed me to the correct building which was on the other end of the parking lot. So, I head over there and walk in, easily locating the correct office.
Taking a number from the dispenser placed there for order in arrivals, I waited until my number was called, walking over to the lady who called it. I saw a sign over the window that stated "Strangers when we enter, friends when we leave." I asked the lady behind the counter if she would be my friend. She looked a little puzzled until I recited the saying on the sign to her. Ha. Don't you love it when you can do something like that?
Well, I found out pretty soon that I needed to have something else before I could get my tags. She told me that I needed to get the car inspected to make sure that everything was working properly on it (signals, etc.). I asked, "where do I get that done?". She replied, "oh, any place that does oil changes and tuneups. There are several close to here." DUH! One of the other ladies directed me to a Goodyear place which was supposed to be very close to the courthouse. She told me I could go to the end of the parking lot and cross the street, and I would be in the area for it.
I drove across the street looking for the Goodyear sign, driving around the parking area like a drunk or crazy person. Ha ha! Good thing the cops didn't see me, or I would yet be waiting to get out of stir. Ha. I finally had to drive out onto the street and when I did, I saw the Goodyear sign. Then had to go up to the corner, turn left and then make another left turn (a u-ey) and into the Goodyear parking lot on the right. What an adventure.
After I got the inspection done, I went back to the sub-courthouse and got a number again, and finally got my tags and applied for a Texas title to my car. So, once I get my Texas driver's license (which I have over 60 days to do), I guess I will officially be a Texan, although I now consider myself one, since I live here permanently.
This morning, I needed to go to my new bank, so I once again ventured out on new territory, armed with a hand-drawn map, courtesy of Carol. I found my way to the bank and also to the Target store, where I had fun shopping around. Carol called me when I was home (just) and invited me to have some lunch with her. She bought Chinese for our lunch. Yum! It has been months since I have had any Chinese. It was great. Later today, i am going to begin going through Dub's clothing, and when I am finished it will go to the clothing drive for the Kidney Foundation. Very apropos since he died probably from a staph infection in the kidneys. He was also diabetic which contributed to his condition.
Well, that is about it for today, folks. I am sleeping better at night, only waking up once in the early morning hours, and most of the paperwork is finished. Praise God! This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now.
Hey, Y'all, Well, I had lunch today with Carol at Mooyah's, which is a hamburger/fries place, and was fun getting out and about. I drove with Carol directing me, and learned a little bit more about my living area. I have met some more neighbors, who are going to be living next door and seem to be a really nice couple, whose children are all grown and out of house. They bought the house that was up for sale at the same time mine was.
I have been ankle deep in paperwork today, trying to make sense of all the changes taking place, and it seems to be coming together, hopefully before I come apart (ha ha) just kidding. Carol has helped with a great deal of it all, and is still giving assistance. Most of it has happened due to the passing of my Sweetie Pie, complicated, of course, by the new address.
I have learned where the nearest post office is, and also most of the places to shop (very important, you know), but haven't been to many of them yet. New decor provides needs for shopping, along with groceries as I need them. There is still a lot of unpacking to do, which I will pursue on the morrow. I am here at Carol's right now, using her computer to pay bills and blog. Yeah!
It will be next week sometime before I get my own computer set up, but as long as I can use this one here, that works for me.
Well, not much else to say today. I did get to try out my new dishwasher this morning and it seems to be doing okay. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family out there in Blogland. Bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, We had a really nice birthday celebration last evening for granddaughter, Emily, who turned twenty-three. Her sister-in-law, Amy (Matt's wife) had baked a beautiful birthday cake, which was delicious. She had decorated it with a watch and a wedding ring, meaning it is almost time for Emily to be married. Emily and Ben will be tying the knot on September 11th, which is the birthday of Emily's niece, (Andrew and Julia's oldest daughter) and Carol's granddaughter, and my great granddaughter.
Pictures above: Top: Matt holding niece, Alyssa second: Julia (Brooke's and Alyssa's Mom), Brooke, Amy (Matt's wife) third: Julia, Brooke, and Amy fourth: Cake fifth: Emily and the cake sixth: Katie (former college room mate and friend of Emily), Emily, Ben (Emily's fiance) holding Alyssa seventh: Alyssa enjoying some of Aunt Emily's birthday cake.
You will notice that I am not in any of the pics because I was the one behind the camera. Ha.
This morning it was nearly seven o-clock when I awakened, and I was feeling rough. The two previous nights I had gotten very little sleep, and was catching up. I immediately went back to bed and had another two hours sleep. It was wonderful! I really needed that rest.
Today was a very quiet day for me. I did some more unpacking, and came across some of Gramps items that he carried every day in his pockets: his pocket knife, his folding scissors, (both were wrapped in a handkerchief, the way he always did them when he took them out of his pockets at night. I have yet to go through the rest of his belongings. Most of the clothing will be donated to the kidney foundation collection, except for some of it which may be given to grandchildren or children if they so choose.
There is still a lot of paperwork to go through and finish up, along with a lot of boxes left to unpack that have stuff that needs to be arranged and put away.
I just realized when I was doing this posting, that we had four generations of family here last evening. It was wonderful! I look forward to more of those times. It will be at least a week and a half before I will have my own computer set up to use. Right now, I am using Carol's at her house, and I really appreciate the use of it.
That is about it for today. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, Well, last evening, I prepared a meal and asked Daryl and Carol to come share it with me, which they did. We had a really great time and it was wonderful to have them as my first "dining" guests. I had fixed marinated, boneless, skinless, chicken thighs, potatoes boiled in their jackets, fresh roasting ears, and green salads. We had ice cream and cookies for dessert and played a few rounds of dominoes. As usual, Daryl skunked Carol and me. Ha.
At top you will see pics of the unloading of the POD that took place on Wednesday morning. First pic is of the load as it was opened, next is pic of it as some of the items were unloaded. Next two pics are of the two really great guys who did the majority of the unloading. Carol did a good bit of it and I got to tell everyone where to go (ha ha) and put the items. That was a lot of work for me, believe me!
Thursday evening, Julia (Andrew's wife), invited Carol, Daryl, and me over for supper and then after Daryl had left for a meeting, she took her two darling little girls and went with us to my new abode, and helped us unpack a lot of my clothing and hang it up. It was so sweet of her, and I appreciated it so very much.
I have now spent two nights in my new home and it is wonderful to be here. This morning Carol and Daryl came over and mowed my yard and did a lot of clipping. It really looks great and they worked hard.
Today is my granddaughter, Emily's, birthday.She is twenty-three and is my namesake (the only one I have). She and I share a middle name, and she is a much sweeter person than I ever dared to be. Happy birthday, dear Emily! We love you. We will be celebrating it this evening.
My daughter, Teresa, for whom I asked prayers the other day, is doing very well, and says to tell each of you "thank you" for your prayers on her behalf. We all so appreciate it so very much.
Well, this is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. More later. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now.
Hey, Y'all, Yesterday, I spent most of the afternoon making necessary phone calls. Calls after a death must be made to put affairs in order. There are insurance companies to be called, along with those companies that make deposits and withdrawals into and from bank accounts. So many details must be repeated and then corroborated so that it becomes an almost endless task. Many of the calls involve automated systems, and also long waits while the caller must listen to ongoing canned music.
Yesterday was no exception. The music they choose to drum into the ears is pathetic and should only be played in the dead of night when there is no one there to hear it. I suggested to a couple of people who are not responsible for the music that the company might choose a Willie or Waylon song to play instead. Of course, i got the response I was looking for - laughter - and agreement that the music is, indeed, horrible.
Anyhow, when I did get to speak to humans instead of machines, there were only wonderfully understanding people on the other end of the phone line. I did get most of the calls made, with only a few left and it was heartening to get them made.
I received a call early yesterday afternoon before I made the calls, that the pod was due to arrive at my new dwelling place. So I went over and got there just after the POD delivery guy got there. I am so glad that I saw it unloaded. What an interesting sight it was. The truck parked parallel to the house and then the frame holding the POD lifted the pod, and began moving toward the driveway end. The frame has a double wheel at each corner and when it got even with the driveway, the frame turned on those wheels, positioning the POD with the end to be opened facing the house and then continued on up the driveway so that when it set the POD down, it can be opened facing the door of the garage. There are operating levers on the rear corner of the frame holding the POD. It was absolutely fascinating. The fellow then unhooked the chains holding the POD, and moved the frame back onto the truck bed using those levers, fastened the frame to the truck bed, shook my hand, and said goodbye.
I was fortunate enough to meet one of my new neighbors. He was across the street watching the whole procedure. His name is Brian and you will probably hear more about him and his family as time goes by. He has a wife named Paula, 12 year old son, and a 15 year old daughter, and is a CAT salesman. He is a very interesting person and i also found out he is a Baptist.
Today, I will be going early over to my new house (that has a nice ring to it) and begin the real moving in process. Carol has hired a couple of fellows to unload the POD beginning at 9 a.m. I really look forward to the getting settled in. I packed my suitcase last night in hopes of sleeping there beginning tonight.
Speaking of sleeping, I went to bed at 9 p.m. last night and as of an hour and a half ago, I had all the sleep I could take, so I am up at 4:30 a.m. and writing this entry. I will probably creep back up the stairs in a few minutes (very quietly so as not to disturb the two sleeping yet).
This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. More later. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now.
Hey, Y'all, Right now I am waiting for word that the POD is being delivered to the new house. It is supposed to be there sometime today. I also have a lot of calls to make and some shopping to do for items needed. Yesterday, I did a Walmart run to pick up some cleaning supplies, and some bathroom needs like bathmats and commode cleaning brushes, etc.
There should soon be a cable guy to install my new internet/cable/phone service. The electricity also should be turned on today. With a heat index of 102, I don't think I want to sit in a non-air-conditioned house, would you? It is going to be so neat to have a closed in garage with my own little door remote!
It is like I have closed the door on one phase of my life and begun another one, but oh, I miss my Sweetie Pie! It is going to take some getting used to.
On Sunday afternoon, Daryl, Carol, Matthew, Amy, Ben and I went over to the new house and cleaned. Ben, Matt and Daryl brought over my new (used) fridge, big overstuffed easy chair with ottoman, and baker's rack, and then helped clean the house. I mostly rested and did the vacuuming of the floors. (Pictures above). Carol spent most of the time on her knees cleaning the kitchen floor with a scrub brush. It is ceramic tile and looks really beautiful. Amy was down on her knees rinsing and wiping the floor as Carol scrubbed.
Ben did the baseboards and fans overhead, Matt did some scrubbing as well, and Amy also did the kitchen cabinets. They really worked hard. Daryl worked on the garage and they all did a beautiful job on the whole house!
Pictures: Top: Ben, Carol, Amy and Matt taking a rest Second: Carol and Amy giving a "thumbs up" on getting the kitchen floor clean. Third: Matt scrubbing floor Fourth: Ben cleaning the ceiling fan Fifth: Daryl with the broom getting ready to sweep garage.
Well that is about it for today. Got lots of stuff to do yet before bedtime. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you. Thank you for your continued prayers on the behalf of myself and my family. Bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, Yes, life does go on, although right now it seems as if a vital part of me is missing. I am posting some pics of the family gathering.
Now for some identification of subjects in each picture: 1> The wonderful food that the ladies prepared for us to eat after the funeral and interment. 2> The three widows - Mae, me, Imazo (Mae is the widow of my oldest brother, Bill, and Imazo is the widow of my brother, Hugh) 3> back row: nephew Fred (Mae's son) and wife, Doris; Peggy (Jeff's wife) and Jeff, who is Imazo's youngest son; front row: Mae, me, Imazo. 4> My next door neighbors from New Market who are also family to me and Dub: Mitchell, Olivia, Laurie, Scott, and Gabriel standing next to me. 5> Nieces: Terri, Pam, Donna, our daughters, Teresa and Carol. Second tier, is niece Little Bonnie, bottom tier: Big Bonnie (Dub's sister), and Me. 6. Daryl, Carol, me, Teresa, and Tom. 7. Carol, me, and Teresa 8. The Bennetts and me 9. Grandpa Daryl and four of his grands (a candid unplanned shot) Hannah, Austin, Ellie and Noah (Daniel and Whitney's four).
There were many other pictures I should have taken, but somehow, in the stress of the moments there, they didn't get taken. A special thank you to Karen Bible, who sang at the services, and to the ladies in the kitchen and good friends (Faye, Barbara, Darlene, Judy, - I know I'm forgetting someone - forgive me, please - ). A special thank you, too, to those who spoke at the funeral services, and to all those who prayed and continue to pray for those of us left behind, grieving.
Thank you, friend Ina Ray, for getting me back to Texas safely. it was a wild ride here in the Dallas area, wasn't it?
Yesterday, Matthew, Ben (Emily's fiance), Amy (Matt's wife), Daryl, Carol, and I spent several hours cleaning the house that I just purchased to live in here in the Bedford area. The POD holding my household goods arrives tomorrow, and I begin living this part of my life. I am sure it holds many good things for me, and I look forward to getting to know my great grandchildren better, so that when I leave this mortal body, they will be able to say, "Oh, I remember my Grammy Ruby, and I loved her so much, and she loved the Lord just like my Gramps did."
This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.
Hey, Y'all, Yesterday, we met to pay tribute not to the man alone, but to the life he lived among us. He lived his faith, but did not push it on anyone. One observed the kind of man he was by his actions, words, and kindness. He was a man of quiet faith, but never hesitated to speak out for what he believed in. He was certainly a good example for me and those around us. He was funny, had a dry wit, and never spoke very often. Consequently, when he spoke, people listened. Dubby could always be counted on to come out with a comment that could make me laugh aloud, and was so very much to the point. I, along with many others, will miss him.
While searching for a way to begin this posting, I thought of the scripture from Ecclesiastes 3 which begins: "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, A time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,"
For him, last Tuesday was the time for him to die, and a time for those of us left behind to mourn his passing> I know that we will continue to miss him, but we also rejoice in the fact that he is with the Lord and will continue to be.
When we had the services on Saturday, there were several who spoke of his faith in Lord Jesus Christ and from differing perspectives. We began the service with our oldest grandson, Daniel, talking about his grandpa being a man of faith and far-reaching influence, then our friend, Karen Bible, sang "On a Hill Far Away" which Dub always loved to sing, then our niece, Donna Word, gave her memories of her Uncle Dubby and told about his life as a man of God, as an uncle, as a brother to his siblings, as a son, as a husband to me. It was very touching and I don't know how she got through it. i know it was difficult for her.
Following Donna's tribute to her Uncle Dubby's life, came a eulogy by our son-in-law, Daryl, about his life as Daryl knew it, followed by "How Great Thou Art" sung by Karen, then followed by a sermon by our pastor, the Reverend J. W. Taylor. And as Brother Taylor said, "we each preach our own funeral by the way we live our lives." He gave testimony of how he knew Dub and how much he appreciated Dub's quiet faith in God.
We then convened to the final resting place of Dub, and it was raining. Rain for a funeral makes it seem so sad, doesn't it? Although the occasion was a sober one, we knew that the body being interred was only a shell, and that the person who had once resided in that shell is residing in Heaven, rejoicing with the angels that God is omnipotent, and singing the praises of the One who died that we may have eternal life if we have accepted the sacrifice. Praise God!
When we returned to the church (which is across the street from the funeral home, we gathered together in the fellowship hall where we were able to fill our tummies with good food prepared by the ladies of the church and also we were able to reminisce about Walter (Dub) Young and his life. Both our daughters were there along with son-in-laws, grand children,great grandchildren, sister, sisters in law, nieces, nephews, grand nieces and grand nephews, friends, loved ones. It was wonderful and heart warming. I know he would have been pleased and probably surprised that so many had come to honor his life.
I took quite a few pictures but failed to get pictures of the pallbearers. My bad! There are always things we mean to do, but fail sometimes, due to stress or oversight. I also didn't get pictures of everyone at the meal. Please forgive me friends.
I will be posting pics tomorrow or the next day. Carol is going to help me get them from my camera and saved on her computer.
I know there will be times over the next days and weeks when I will say to myself, "wait til I tell Dubby", then remember that will just have to wait. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you, my friends and there will be more postings to come. That is all for now. Bye for now.
I am a Christian grandmother, (great grandma), and moved from a little town in East Tennessee to near Dallas,Texas, near our daughter, Carol. I was 81 in May and am so blessed to have 2 daughters, 2 sons-in-law, grandchildren and great grandchildren all over the U.S.
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