Sunday, July 3, 2011

Quick Post

Hey, Y'all,
Just a quick post to let you know how things are going for me and other stuff. This morning I got up and got ready to go to Sunday School and church, and everything was going just fine. I had my cereal for breakfast and showered, got dressed and headed to church. Sunday School came first and as I was sitting there teaching, my nose began to drip so I picked up a napkin (we have coffee and cookies at the beginning of class). Well, when I looked at the drip on my napkin, it was actually blood. Yep, nose bleed. 

I have been blowing my nose quite a bit over the last couple of weeks (with the cold and snotty nose) and apparently had blown it too hard this morning. I struggled through teaching and then came home instead of staying for church. I immediately got some warm salt water and sniffed it up my nose. That quelled the bleeding and will heal the inner lining of my nose. It will also help clear out the sinuses. 

Daryl came home from Kenya where he was teaching on a mission trip along with a few other people. He brought back a regular plethora of pictures and short videos. Matt and Amy, Ben and Emily, Julia and the two little girls were all there, and we had a joyous supper of salad and pizza with Carol and Daryl. He shared a bunch of the pictures with us and told us some of the things that happened on his mission trip. When I left their house, I forgot my cell phone and left it there. It was so strange to be here without a phone. Ha. I sent Carol an e-mail, and also a facebook message, and sent one to Teresa as well. Isn't it wonderful to have so many means of communication with the outside world? Carol brought my cell phone to me on Saturday morning, though, so all is well. One really can exist without a phone. I did it all through my childhood and early years. Ha.

Did you know that my girls track me via my computer every morning? Yep, one morning I had not turned on my cell phone for the day. I turn it off each night to save the battery power, and every other night I charge it. I had also decided to do my blog posting before signing on to facebook. About 8  or 8:30 a.m. my doorbell rang. Puzzled at who would be coming by so early, I answered the door, only to see Carol standing there and hear her ask, "Are you okay?" I said "Sure".  "Well, you didn't answer your cell phone, and you weren't playing Farmville or show up on Facebook, so Teresa called me and asked if you were okay." Ha. Yep, it is the twenty-first century for sure, and I am being tracked by modern methods. 

Carol just called and asked if I wanted to come over for lunch and of course, I said sure. So it's about time to leave. More later. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Teresa and Tom are on their way to Kentucky to visit family there. I know they will have a great time. Bye for now.



Wonderful post full of what is going on in your life, It is so interesting Ruby,

Enjoy your 4th July.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Isn't it scary we can track people through their cell phones now?
Take care of yourself, Ruby!

Shannon Lawrence said...

You know, I just had a conversation with someone about how we're TOO connected via technology these days. I tend to turn everything off and withdraw into my cave here and there. But reading this reminds me of the positives of this connectivity, as well. After all, without the internet I wouldn't speak to most of my extended family members except for every few years maybe, but this way we can talk about the little things between our various states, not to mention my friends in other countries! Thanks for the positive reminder.

Tina @ Life is Good
and I are joining forces in another challenge. We're going to visit and comment at each of the participants, starting with the reflections post. We hope you'll join us!

Shannon @ The Warrior Muse

Petra said...

All that techno social networking can be a real plus after all. Happy 4th!