Saturday, July 23, 2011

Family Pictures

Hey, Y'all,
Well, as they say, "Life goes on" and the events of the past few days are a reminder of that very thing. Grandma Jean loved life and she loved people. She was one of the kindest people you would ever desire to know, with never a mean or unkind thing to say about any one. Last evening her family got together to visit with one another. We also celebrated the birthday of one of our great grandchildren, and also my grandson, Ben, who is married to our Emily. (He is my grandson because he is married to Emily and I'm proud to claim him).

Here are some pictures of some of the people who were there, and I know that if you are a regular reader of this blog, then you recognize them. 

 As you can see, we had lots of cake and we also had ice cream. The kids ran around and played, the adults sat and talked with one another, remembering Grandma Jean and the good times that we had all had together. We know without a doubt that Grandma Jean is celebrating her life with Jesus and the angels, and those in Christ who had gone on before her. 

I was somewhat tired last evening, and when I went to bed, I was thinking, I could just drift off to sleep and if I passed on in my sleep I was ready to go, with no worries. No, I am not depressed, children, just letting you know that all is right with me. I still have a lot of living left to do as far as I am concerned. I had a good six hours of uninterrupted sleep last night and felt much rested this morning. In fact, it is about time for my breakfast. We have memorial services to attend sometime this morning. 

I am reminded of a television show that used to be on, where a dog would bring his bowl to the family kitchen to be filled for breakfast, and the kids would be running around getting ready to go to school and the parents would be getting ready to go to work. It had a theme song, "Da da da, da da da, daaa, da da da Li-fe goes on...And it does...even as we  remember those who are no longer with us in body. 

When I woke up at 4 something this morning, I turned on the television to the TCM channel and watched a film made in 1936. It was in black and white, of course, but it made me laugh. It was a Harold Lloyd, Adolphe Menjou film. It was called "The Milky Way". If you ever have a chance to see it, take the time to watch it. They don't make clean movies like that anymore. 

Well, folks that is about it for today. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Breakfast calls out to me...Ruby...Ruby...Ruby..
And I say, "Coming!" Now all I have to do is go fix it. Ha. Bye for now. More later. Much love to all my friends and family.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You still have much to do, Ruby! But there is something to be said about finding that peace and knowing you are ready to see the Lord when He's ready for you.


Loved the pics Ruby, and all the news.

Enjoy your week-end.

Petra said...

Thanks for sharing the fun, photos, and above all, your peace with the Lord! Yes, you still have some living to do, and I'm glad thanking God for it!