Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Really Neat Day

Hey, Y'all,
Yesterday, I talked with Barbara and Dorothy (sisters of Imazo), and when I found they were coming to visit with Imazo today, and knew that today would be probably the best of this week to get out, I knew I wanted to go this day to Knoxville to visit with all of them. So, we did.

We were up early this morning, and left home about 8:25 or so, and stopped at Hardee's on Asheville Highway in Knoxville and had breakfast. About 10 a.m. we arrived at Imazo's at the same time as Joanne, Dorothy and Barbara. Joanne is one of Barbara's daughters, and she always brings them to visit, because neither of Imazo's sisters likes to drive that far.

There were lots of "hello's", hugs and kisses amongst us (except for Gramps), and we sat down and began our hen party of 5 hens and one old rooster. ha ha. The old rooster didn't say much except for "hello and I'll just sit over here and not say much".
ha ha.

We talked about all kinds of things, among them, we spoke of those who had passed on this past year, and how much we missed them. We also talked about some of the things that had happened in the past few months. Dorothy told of how she had once seen a vision and I found it extremely interesting and touching.

Many years ago, when one of Barbara's children, little Steven, was three years old, he passed away. Dorothy related that his was the first death in the immediate family at that time and she was very close to the Lord then. She says that she was very concerned about where her little nephew was after passing away and she prayed that God would show her where he was. She looked at a blank wall in her kitchen and saw a vision of a field of flowers and saw Steven in that field, with the breeze blowing his hair and he was smiling. She knew then for sure that he was in paradise and was worried no more. Isn't that a beautiful thing to have seen? I hope she doesn't mind my relating this story. I found it so very inspiring and comforting. I hope I got all the facts straight.

Mae had to go to the doctor this morning to have some bloodwork done, so she did not get to Imazo's until some time after we did. Her daughter, Norma, brought her by after the visit to the doctor's office, and we got to see Norma for a few minutes. It is always wonderful to get to spend some time with her or Fred (Mae's son). We all exchanged Christmas gifts while at Imazo's home.

We decided to go have some lunch at Shoney's around noon, so Gramps said he didn't really want to go but would wait and I could bring him a sandwich when we got back. So off we went, six ladies on a mission to have lunch together. What a time we had! We ate, and laughed, and just had a great time in general.

After we got back to Imazo's, she made coffee to go with the cakes that Barbara had made and brought with her (she always brings 2 homemade cakes, yum!) and Imazo had made a pan of brownies. So 7 people who really didn't need sweets, ate some anyway. ha. That was our dessert after having had lunch.

We talked some more about how Hugh had just wanted family to come and spend some time with them last year about this time, and about how John (our brother in Phoenix) had passed away in December just shortly before we all got together for Christmas. Of course, we mentioned the fact that our sister, Margaret had passed away two years ago just after Christmas. I told them that this summer when I was so ill, I could just hear (in my imagination) that if I died from my illness, people saying, "Poor Ruby! She didn't last long after her last 3 siblings died, did she?"

I reckon it wasn't in God's plan for me to pass on at that time. Thank you, Jesus! I hope to be around for some time to come yet. I got a lot left I would like to do, and people to tell about what He has done for me. I know it was only His hand on me that kept me from dying and that it was the prayers of so many people praying on my behalf that He harkened to. Thank you, friends!

Well, after we said our goodbyes to Barbara, Dorothy and Joann, they went on their way back to Monroe County, and the four of us that were still at Imazo's sat down in the family room to watch a movie. Yes, it became a movie day and I had brought the movie, "Dennis the Menace Christmas". It was really good, and sad in some places but had a wonderful happy ending. A few tears were shed (even Gramps was seen wiping a tear or two away from his eyes) and smiles were seen at the end of the movie.

Then it was time to take Mae back home, and then I came back for Gramps and we thanked Imazo for her hospitality, and promised to come back when the weather permits. The weather was wonderful today, and we were so glad to be able to get out and about. Gramps wore his brown corduroy slacks, a matching checked shirt, and a brown fluffy, soft sweater, along with his LLBean cap and looked really sharp!

We were back home by 5:30 or so, and watched some television after he had some supper, and now at 9 p.m. he went to bed for the night (I hope for the night, ha), and I will be going soon.

Last evening, our neighbors came down for supper and we had chicken pot pie, and fresh fruit with whipped cream and ice cream (choice of individuals as to how they wanted the dessert) and then played Aggravation. It was great fun! They make my week for me. We consider them family and are always happy to have them come in.

Well, tomorrow, I guess I will try to get pre-Christmas stuff finished up and get my "war zone" in my workroom cleaned up and put away. Boxes and wrapping paper to carry back to the basement is in order. Reckon I will get that done fer shure.

This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you. More later. Bye for now.



Hi Ruby another interesting blog,
I would like to take this oppourtunity to thank you for all your comments and wish you and Gramps the best Christmas ever and a peaceful and healthy New Year.

Take care.


Anonymous said...

WOW what an interesting and busy day! I have never seen that movie but it sounds like a good one. I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and New Year. I am leaving tomorrow for my girl's farm for Christmas so won't be around for a few days after today. Love and hugs to you both, Judy

Tanya said...

that sounds so fun. I'm glad you were able to spend some fun time with the family. We miss you and hope you Have a very Merry Christmas!!!

Barbara said...

Hi Ruby,WE sure had a wonderful visit with you all yesterday.I thank you for telling the story Dorothy told.She told me about it years ago.It meant a lot to me.
I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas.Don't eat too much.

Grammy said...

Hi, You all,
Thanks for the comments and well-wishes! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to each of you, my readers!