Monday, May 11, 2015

What Next?

The A to Z challenge brings on such a "high" that afterwards, I have to consider, What next? Another story, just chit-chat, or what? 

This morning, I am headed towards getting a chemical stress test done (the first in two years). Pretty sure the results are not going to be what I would like to hear, but also pretty sure there's nothing I can do about it. 

No gloom and doom here, just plain truth. 

Anyhow, I've been thinking about my next story and I do have plans to write one. A few thoughts have been rattling around in the old noggin, and pretty soon, I'm sure they will begin to take shape. In the meantime, I reckon maybe I'll just go on talking...



Anonymous said...

and we'll just go right on listening

Good luck with the tests.

Arlee Bird said...

We love you no matter what you do, Ruby. It's always kind of an edgy experience going to hear what the doctor has to say. So far all I get is to lose weight, exercise more and eat right. Well, I knew that. Thankfully the reports have always been good for the most part.

Hoping your doctor has good reports to deliver.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Unknown said...

Whatever is next, I'll be here! Praying for your tests.

Grammy said...

Thank you all! The stress test was tougher than ever, in several ways. But I am back home and glad it is over. I'll hear about the results in a week from tomorrow when I go to get my pacemaker checked and see my cardiologist, who is a really super guy and most excellent Dr.
I really appreciate you all.