Sunday, July 18, 2010

Just One Week til' I'm on the Road

Hey, Y'all,
Well, I got up this morning with the intention of heading to church, but realized I just didn't feel up to it, so I crawled back into bed and got some more sleep. (I know, I should have stayed up, but I am going tonight.) It will be my last time there before going to Texas. After I did finally get up, I made some breakfast from a sausage patty, an egg, and 2 frozen eggo waffles (toasted them in the toaster oven). I also heated a cup of Arizona green tea from the fridge. Yesterday, I had cut a cantaloupe so I had a couple of pieces of that as dessert.

Then I began working on packing up stuff to go into the pod. Every time I looked around I saw some other things that need to be boxed up. Then I opened up the closet door in the living room and saw the ironing board, little handheld vacuums, and winter coats. Bathroom medicine cabinet then draws my attention, and I begin unloading it, having to decide what to pack and what to throw away. You realize that liquids that contain flammables (like nail polish remover and Goo-gone) can't be packed in a POD, because of combustion. It is never-ending!

I came into my computer/sewing/tv viewing room and saw the many items that needed to be packed in here. There is also the problem of finding the right sized box for the different items to be packed. Anyway, I am slowly making headway through this abyss of moving.

My daughter, Carol, put on facebook this morning that Gramps should be returned to the nursing home today, and that he is doing much better. Hopefully, they will keep him hydrated at the nursing home once he gets there (doing a better job than they did before he went to the hospital). Praise God that he is improving!

Well, that is about it for right now. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for now. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. Bye for now. More later.

1 comment:

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Remember to take care of your own health, Ruby.