Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Quiet Easter

Hey, Y'all,
It was a very quiet Easter here today. Gramps had gotten his clothes ready to go to church before he went to bed. This morning when he got up around 7:30 or so, I thought, "Good, he's going to actually go this morning." He came in to the kitchen and we had our breakfast, then he said, "I think I'll go back to bed." So I said, "Okay, honey, if that is what you want to do, then that is fine with me".

So after he went back to bed, I took my morning shower, and got dressed. I came into my computer room and checked on my e-mail, and read some blogs and played a game. Then I sent daughter Teresa an IM and she chatted with me awhile before she had to leave.

Then around noon, Gramps got up and went into the kitchen looking around. I asked what he needed, and he said, "Food". So I went in and asked would he like me to make a breakfast for us for dinner. He said he would and so he came in and sat at the table while I made sausage, eggs, and homemade biscuits. We sat down and had dinner (middle of the day meal in the south, you know). Evening meal is called supper. I learned the other day that those terms originated with the Scots, and that makes sense because the Scots settled here in Appalachia and lowlands surrounding the Appalachian mountains.

Later, we came into the living room and he asked, "Who decorated this room?" I replied that I had done the decorating (such as it is). He said, "It looks like our home." I said it was our home and that we are at home. Every once in a while he is amazed that we are at home. At least, today he knew that I am his "sweetie" and not his Aunt Lula (who is long gone from this earth). I now know what people mean when they say a person has their good days and their bad days.

After he got settled in the living room reading, I went out onto the front porch for awhile. I invited him out but he said he didn't want to sit out there and expose his sleepiness to the neighbors. So he stayed inside and I went out and watered some flowers I have planted, cleaned out the birdbath and put fresh water into it. Then I saw the neighbors out, and walked up to talk to them for awhile. They walked me back down to the house and sat on the porch with me and we talked a while longer.

When I came back into the house, Gramps had gone back to bed, and that is where he is right now. He will probably sleep until about 7 or so and then get up to eat again. We will probably watch some television and then go to bed. Tomorrow is when the neighbors will come down for supper. I am preparing 15-bean bean soup, potatoes O'brien (hashbrowns with onions and green peppers), salad, and cornbread. I will also make an apple pie and have vanilla ice cream with it for dessert. The beans I will put in to soak tonight, the apple pie I will make in the morning, and then while it is baking, I plan on mopping the kitchen floor. I plan on carrying off the trash tomorrow morning, and cleaning the bathroom. Today has been a lazy day, but that is okay. I need them once in awhile, don't you?

Well, that is about it for today. Tomorrow's post will be my 450th one. I have been blogging for almost 2 years and loving every minute of it. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for tonight. Much love to each of you, my friends, new and old. Bye for now. I'm looking forward to reading the "D" entries. Mine is already composed and ready to do. More later. Bye.


Ginny the Sock Monkey said...

15-bean bean soup? Wow, I didn't know there were that many kinds of beans.

Would you mind sharing the recipe? Is there meat in it? I'm a vegetarian and am always looking for good bean recipes. Yours sounds like it might be very very delicious...

Unknown said...

I was going to say the same thing as Ginny...there are 15 kinds of beans? Wow! lol. Yeah, I don't make bean soup, well, ever. I do make some pretty awesom sloppy joes though.

It sounds like a nice quiet day. While I had a good day with extended family, I do love my quiet days too.

azdarlene said...

Happy Easter Grammy and Gramps, sounds like you had a quite Easter. I know about the good days and bad days, Mom is having more bad days. May be moving her to assisted living this month. Always glad to read your posts, they are so interesting and so you. Love you
Darlene and Mark

Charmaine Clancy said...

a small but beautiful day. :-)


Wow Ruby 450 posts now that's something. I do hope all is well with you both, and the weather is fine. I look forward to catching you on the A to Z challenge.
Take care

Grammy said...

Hey, y'all,
I buy the 15 bean soup in a dry package at the grocery store. It has the seasonings in a package inside the package with the beans. One can use the seasonings or add seasonings of your own choice. For those of you who like the hot spicy seasonings, they have the Cajun spices. There is only meat in the bean soup if you should choose to add it. Bon Appetite!