Saturday, February 26, 2011

Modeling Yet....

Hey, Y'all,
Yeah, I know, I haven't entered any postings since Monday, so I am here to rectify that. Monday evening we went to see Prince Caspian, the play at the Artisan Theater in Hurst, (only about fifteen minutes away from our homes). We stopped first at a really nice Mexican Restaurant, and I had a chicken chimichanga along with a multitude of tostado chips with salsa, and oh, my... it was all so delicious! No, my ankles did not swell from the salt, thank goodness!

The production was really great, and so well done, too. The cast was mostly children, and they did such a super job! The next production will be Phantom of the Opera, the Andrew Lloyd Webber (corrected editing) version, and I look forward to going to see it. I have heard so very much about it and have wanted to see it for a long time. I love the music from it. It is the first time that the Artisan has presented it, and I know it will be just super. I told her I would bring it by on Saturday (today).

On Wednesday morning, I picked up the lady (Vicky) who rides to Bible Study with me, and we went to the church for that. She told me she was having hand surgery on Friday (yesterday now) and I asked if she would like me to prepare a meal for her and Mike, her husband. She said that would be wonderful.

I spent a couple of days getting my stuff together for my income tax return and packed it up and sent it to Teresa to do for me (she is my people, as in the H & R Block commercial), and so on Thursday morning, I got ready and took it to the post office which is only a few blocks from where I live, and mailed it off. Then, on my way back I stopped at LePeep and had some biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Yum! Then I stopped at Krogers' which is just next door to the LePeep's, and got a few groceries.

This morning, I got up early and boiled some eggs, got the tomato basil soup ready to cook, cleaned some fresh strawberries, and fixed my breakfast and had a leisurely time eating it. Then I peeled the eggs and deviled them, put them in the fridge, and put the soup on to simmer. When I was deviling the eggs, I thought of Dubby, and how he loved them. I used to always give him some of the last when I finished making them for church or company. By 11:45, I had made some sandwiches and packaged them up, finished the soup, and was ready to take lunch to Mike and Vicky.

Last evening, Emily called Carol and asked if she thought I would like to model some of my many hats for a flyer Emily is doing for work. I said, 'sure, I'd love to". So this afternoon, they came over and I put on some of my dressy glad rags, and modeled some of my dressy hats while she took my picture. Who knows, if they like the results, I may have found a new avocation...modeling...ha ha. Pictures will be posted here later.

Tomorrow is Sunday and thus, another week has flown by. My shingles are just about a thing of the past, praise God! I can sleep on my right side again without the pain. I am going to go into the kitchen after while, and bake some french bread, eat some of the tomato basil soup (I put fresh basil into the soup instead of dried), and then prepare a sausage/egg casserole for our breakfast snacks at Sunday School. After I clean up the kitchen, then I'll be able to rest well tonight, hopefully.

Well, that is about it for today, so this is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for today. Much love to each of you, my friends and family. More later. Bye for now.



You have been busy Ruby, I look forward to the pictures.

Take care.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You've had a busy week! Glad you get to see so many plays now.

Margie's Musings said...

You mean Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ruby.

I saw the Broadway production in Tulsa some years back. It was terrific!!

Grammy said...

Thanks Margie...I must have been thinking Frank Lloyd Wright. Ha.