Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happy Birthday to My First-Born, Carol

Good morning to you, my friends and family. I am taking a break from my fictional scribblings today to wish my first - born, Carol Deanna Grey Bennett, a happy birthday. It is a big one for her since she will be turning a zero at the end of the number. I'm not saying what number is in front, for that is for her to say if she wishes. 

Carol is a very busy woman, very much taken up with family and friends, doing, always doing for others. She is loving and giving, caring and beautiful. 

We are so blessed to have her in our lives. 

We will be celebrating her birthday at her and Daryl's home this evening, with most of her family.

Teresa and Tom in back. Me, Carol and Daryl in front

   This is a photo taken last year when our family from Alabama came in to spend Christmas with us. Teresa is my dear youngest daughter. We had a really great time then. But then, we always have great times together. 

Happy Birthday, Carol! I love you!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Carol....

myletterstoemily said...

i love that you had a Christmas baby and
named her carol!

Mom B said...

I love you, too, Mom! The necklace is beautiful, but I really loved the card. I think I often fall pretty short in the daughter department, but I love it that you think I don't! :-)

Mom B said...

Oh...and thanks for my Raisin Pie! Having it for breakfast...MMMM!