Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hey, Y;all! I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

Hey, Y'all,
Well, I now have a new experience in my bag of memories. I also am singing Praises to our Lord in addition to those I was singing before the surgery.

I am going to ask Teresa to add her viewpoints to yesterday's events. This one will be short and sweet (kind of). Last night was a little difficult sleeping because I was clearing my throat off and on from about 2 a.m. on.

Yesterday morning I was up early so I could drink some fluids before 6 a.m. I was also checking my e-mails to see if Teresa had left me any before she hit the road to Tennessee. Instead I got a call from her as she was on the road. Her statement of how fast she was going certainly didn't make me feel calm, but she assured me she was being careful.

Anyway, she made it up here to Knoxville in four hours where it should have taken 5 and 1/2 hours. But she said the traffic was really light. And of course, I believe her. (hmmmm)

My neighbors up on the hill came and prayed with me around 11 a.m. (did I tell you this already?) and I appreciated that.

I made Gramps (aka Dub) some lunch and about noontime, Mark came and picked me up to take me to Knoxville. Teresa was already there at the hospital, eating a chicken salad sandwich that she had gotten in the hospital cafeteria. Soon after, Mae and Imazo came into the waiting room, so we sat there and visited awhile. Then I checked in and Teresa and I went with the nurse who took us back to the little cubicle where I undressed and put on my gown, treaded hoodies, and blue nightcap. Say, I matched and didn't even realize it. The footies were blue and so was the nightcap to cover my hair. Cooool!

Well, I am going to let Teresa finish the blog later. She can give her viewpoint on the rest of the experience.


Mom's Blog said...

Okay, in Teresa's defense, although she MAY have hurried a bit, you do take your time on a trip, so 5 and 1/2 hours might be a bit longer than most folks take....:-)

Glad you're up to posting again. Did you see my post for you? Be sure and read your family/friends' comments!

Judy said...

Sounds like things went well for you and I am so glad they think it was not cancerous and that you are home and doing well. I had you in my thoughts and prayers all week. Hope you have a good weekend. I have TW overnight tonight so I will be tired tomorrow! Love, Judy

Serbian Mink said...


You are a warrior princess, Gwammee!!

We are elated that all is well thus far and that you are home safe and sound. No excuses now to finish B.J.'s quilt! Lotsa down time in front of the tube....hehehe...

You are LUVVED! Beeeehave, and get well soon. a, d, and s