Monday, October 13, 2008

Updates on Medical Matters and Other Stuff

Hey, Y'all,
Just got back not too long ago from the appointment with my cardiologist. My stress test came out okay and the dr. said he didn't see any sign of blockages in my arteries in the heart. That was good news, but my blood pressure is not where he wants it, so he gave me another pill to take each day. Oh, JOY! He asked me if I had been checking my blood pressure and I told him, "nope, I don't want to obsess over my blood pressure. Whatever it is, it is."

I guess when I start taking this new pill, (which is supposed to work well with the others I am taking) then I will start checking it once a day or every two days, maybe.

On my way home, I stopped and visited with my sister-in-law, Mae, and we chatted for awhile about this and that. After I left her home, I stopped again on the way home and picked up lunch at Buddy's Bar-B-Que for Gramps and myself. Yum!

A while after lunch, I decided to go back up to Lowe's and pick up the rest of the flowers I need for my porch flower pots. I will pot them in the morning before time for Gramps to be up and about. Speaking of being up and about, I actually got about 8 hours sleep last night. Gramps only had to get up once and when I saw he didn't need any help and he got back to bed by himself, I turned back over and immediately went back to sleep. Thus I was able to get up at 7 a.m. and get ready for the day.

As I drove to Knoxville and back home today, I noticed the turning of the leaves. East Tennessee is putting on her beautiful fall colors and dressing up for tourists and those of us who live here as well. At the top of today's posting are two pictures taken on the road where we live in the country. One has the barn that is on property that once was in my family's ownership. Anytime that you want to see a picture enlarged, simply click once on it, and it will become larger, then to get back to the posting, click on the blue left arrow at the top of the windows explorer. The other picture is of the road in front of my house and you will see the little neighborhood Friendship Baptist Church just down the road to our left.
In about a week, the trees will be in top notch color. There is nothing more beautful than East Tennessee in living color. I will try to get a picture of the color to post in the next couple of days.
I talked to Imazo, my sister-in-law, about my brother, Hugh. He also had an appointment with his cardiologist today. She told me that he showed his doctor his leg that is swollen up to his groin, and the dr. told him that was due to the kidneys and Hugh should see his kidney doctor. He is going to call his kidney doctor tomorrow, or I think Imazo will give him what for. Hugh's other leg is swollen up to his knee.
I talked to Dorothy again yesterday, and she said she had followed my advice and removed the hotshot soaked paper towels and put them in the trash and had slept in a different room from the one that had had the paper towels in them. She is in Ohio right now with her sister and niece right now, visiting their sister, Lois, who is in a nursing home in Enon, Ohio.
Well, I gotta leave the computer right now, or fall over in a deep sleep. I just can't keep my eyes open right now. More later. This is Blabbin' Grammy signing off for the evening. Love to all of you. Bye for now.

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